Our vision is to deliver high quality interdisciplinary research that has real value to society; both economically, technologically, and socially.
All of the research that we undertake has a real world application and is addressing a current or future challenge identified by industry. Projects are undertaken in collaboration with commercial and academic partners, and our research teams are headed up by leading academics. Our researchers and project managers tend to have strong industrial backgrounds.
The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 confirmed the University of Warwick’s position as one of the UK’s leading research, universities ranking 7th overall of the UK multi-faculty institutions. A total of 87% of the University’s research activity is at a quality level of either 3* or 4* and in the unit of assessment that included WMG, 90% of the research was ranked as 3* or 4*, with our overall quality profile (Grade Point Average) at 3.22 (out of 4.0).
Within WMG, our multidisciplinary skills mean we are active in a range of sectors including:
- automotive
- aerospace and defence
- business
- construction
- energy and utilities
- food and drink
- healthcare
- IT
- security
- rail
We currently have 16 expert research groups, working across five broad themes of Design, Materials, Manufacturing, Systems and Business Transformation. Follow the links to find out more:
Automation systems
“Supporting the lifecycle of automation in manufacturing, process control, and embedded Systems”
A major theme is the virtual engineering of these systems, and the direct deployment of control and monitoring capabilities from a common lifecycle engineering model.
Biomedical informatics, imaging, and healthcare
Our work with the NHS and other public and private sector organisations is channelled through the Institute of Digital Healthcare and broadly covers: Healthcare Technologies, e-Health Innovation, Healthcare Systems Engineering, and Neuroimaging Statistics.
Cyber security
WMG’s Cyber Security Centre (CSC) conducts research into the nature of the cyber environment and the protection of the human experience within it, focusing on delivering transformative solutions for governments and industry, and for individuals and communities, regionally, nationally and globally.
Digital lifecycle management
Developing methodologies that integrate products, processes, and complex services with system Design. The aim is to create a novel closed-loop lifecycle modelling and synthesis framework, as well as self resilient production and service systems that are robust to changes and six sigma faults.
Electrochemical engineering
Characterising and optimising processes, systems, and devices through industrial application of electrochemical techniques and materials knowledge; including characterisation and testing of battery technologies.
Energy and electrical systems
“Providing guidance and technical knowledge in three key themes: Energy Storage, Energy Management, and Complex Electrical Systems.” The group collaborates with companies in areas such as powertrain architecture, control optimisation strategies, secondary power source modelling and energy storage technologies.
Engineering materials and manufacturing
“Design and manufacture of lightweight materials including metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and hybrids” The group’s primary application focus is automotive, however it also works with rail, aerospace and defence partners to identify and exploit cross-sector opportunities.
Experiential engineering
“Capture and analysis of user-experiences for product and environment development” The group includes designers, psychologists, ergonomists, computer scientists, and engineers who each bring their specialist expertise to understand the full context around product / environment perception and use.
“Material forensics and characterisation” Our Metrology group can determining the origin of micro-structural defects in any engineering part. With considerable industrial and academic knowledge in dimensional management and quality inspection, the group assists West Midlands automotive OEMs and SMEs to gain access to the latest technologies and develop new business processes.
International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing: encompassing both novel materials and composites, as well as the science and technology associated with the manufacture of devices and components with tailored functionality and properties.
Net-shape manufacturing
There is an increasing need for more complex, higher performing products at lower cost, particularly in the high value manufacturing sectors. Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM) and Machining Technologies are two tools that can deliver these high performance products at an affordable cost and with short lead-time.
Operations and supply chain strategy
“Using supply chain strategy as a lever for business transformation” The group works across a wide range of sectors including agrochemicals, automotive, defence, consumer-packaged goods (CPG), retail and pharmaceuticals.
Science and technology of steels products and processing
WMG and Tata Steel have formed a key partnership for research and development in steel processing through the development of the Advanced Steel Research Centre. The group’s key expertise is in iron and steel manufacturing and processing, and applications in steel and steel-hybrid products including physicochemical aspects, microstructure properties and steel coatings.
Service systems
Working in collaboration with large organisations such as GlaxoSmithKline, BAE Systems, IBM, and the Ministry of Defence, as well as SMEs, we research value constellations, new business models and value-creating service systems of people, product, service and technology.
Sustainable materials and manufacturing
Providing novel solutions in green technologies, symbiotic manufacturing, sustainable materials, biomaterials, industrial biotechnology and industrial symbiosis.
“High fidelity, multisensory, real virtuality” The group creates virtual environments for product testing and review, providing solutions for sectors ranging from automotive engineering to the medical industry.