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PhD Studentship: Miniature Optical Frequency References for Quantum Sensors in Dynamical Environments

University of Birmingham - School of Physics and Astronomy

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Birmingham
Funding for: UK Students
Funding amount: Includes tuition fees and stipend
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 17th March 2025
Closes: 11th June 2025

Over the past decade, quantum sensors have rapidly progressed and have demonstrated their huge potential in numerous real-world applications, including navigation, geo-survey, and biomedical imaging. Many of these applications demand compact, low-power solutions whilst striking a good balance with robustness and performance. The Quantum Sensing Group at the University of Birmingham collaborates with industrial partners from aerospace and nanofabrication to address these challenges. One of the primary objectives is to develop miniature optical frequency references based on MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) technology. The optical frequency references are a crucial component in quantum sensors to safeguard laser frequencies from drift and disturbances caused by the environment. Adopting MEMS technology significantly reduces the size of atomic vapour cells and improves their robustness. Furthermore, adoption of these technologies facilitates the development of integrated schemes, including photonic integration circuits.

This PhD research project will focus on developing a MEMS optical frequency reference, essential for the operation of some of the most advanced quantum sensors also being researched and built in the group at UoB. You will have ownership of building an experimental setup for assessing the performance of these optical frequency references in both static and dynamic environments. This is a great opportunity to collaborate with industry for those with strong physics backgrounds and hands-on tendencies.

The successful candidate will join a thriving quantum technology research base at the University of Birmingham. The University has been active in quantum technologies since 2014, and now leads the UK Quantum Technology Research Hub in Sensing, Imaging and Timing (QuSIT). Bringing together academic partners from seven universities, the British Geological Survey and the National Physical Laboratory, this interdisciplinary Hub is active in translating quantum technology research into applications, including numerous collaborative projects with industry.

The Quantum Sensing Group, in the School of Physics and Astronomy, is dedicated to research for fundamental sciences and practical applications. The group is home to a range of activities including five operating atom interferometers, precision spectroscopy and underpinning technologies. The group promotes an open and inclusive culture, fostering a friendly, supportive and collaborative working environment. The group brings together people with skillsets from across areas such as physics, applied physics and engineering, with group members from eight different countries, speaking over twelve different languages.

The School of Physics and Astronomy is an Institute of Physics Juno Champion since 2014 and holder of the Athena SWAN Silver Award. Both initiatives recognise the School’s commitment to promote diversity and equality, and to encourage better practice for all members of the community, whilst also working towards developing an equitable working culture in which all students and staff can achieve their full potential. We welcome applications from all qualified applicants, and encourage applications from traditionally under-represented groups in physics and astronomy including, but not limited to, women and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic.

For informal enquiries, please contact Dr Yu-Hung Lien ( or Professor Michael Holynski (

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