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PhD Studentship in Light-coupled NMR spectroscopy to design novel photo-driven chemistry and smart materials

The University of Manchester - Department of Chemistry

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Manchester
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: £19,237 Stipend based at the UKRI rate for 2024/25
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 28th February 2025
Expires: 29th May 2025

Research theme: Chemistry; Photo-catalysis; light-coupled NMR spectroscopy; Smart Materials

This 3.5 year PhD studentship is fully funded for eligible UK candidates through Department of Chemistry DTG. The successful candidate will receive tuition fees and an annual tax free stipend based at the UKRI rate (£19,237 for 2024/25). We expect the stipend to increase each year. The position is advertised until it is filled, please apply early.

Research Focus

This PhD project will involve real-time NMR analysis of photochemical reactions using in situ light excitation, enabling direct observation of reaction kinetics and intermediate species. A key focus will be on mechanistic studies of photocatalytic transformations relevant to sustainable chemistry, with particular attention to optimizing reaction conditions and understanding catalyst performance. Advanced spectroscopic techniques will be applied to probe mechanisms of photochemical reactions. Additionally, the project will investigate photoswitching in molecular systems, with potential applications in materials science and biomedical research. There will be opportunities to contribute to the hardware development, and data processing pipelines. The integration of synthetic organic photochemistry with NMR spectroscopy will allow for a novel approach to reaction optimization and mechanistic exploration.

Training and Development

The successful candidate will gain extensive training in high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, including multidimensional techniques and time-resolved methodologies, as well as automated data analysis and illumination hardware development. They will develop expertise in photochemistry and photocatalysis, with direct applications in organic synthesis and smart materials design. A strong emphasis will be placed on mechanistic studies using real-time NMR monitoring to track transient species and reaction pathways, and increasing throughput of experiments and their analysis using novel computational tools, ensuring a comprehensive skillset for tackling complex chemical questions. Additionally, the candidate will have opportunities to engage in cross-disciplinary collaboration between inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, broadening their scientific perspective. Training in scientific communication and professional skills will be provided through regular presentations, manuscript preparation, and interdisciplinary teamwork. The project will be conducted in the Department of Chemistry, which is one of the largest and most vibrant departments in the UK and Europe, with state-of-the-art research facilities and a modern and extensive NMR facility.

This project presents a unique opportunity to contribute to the advancement of next-generation photochemistry and NMR methodology while receiving world-class training in an interdisciplinary research environment at the University of Manchester, in preparation for a career in industry or academia.

We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a strong academic background, holding a First or Upper Second-Class MSc/MRes or BSc degree in Chemistry, Chemical Physics, or a related field. Experience or a strong interest in photochemistry, NMR spectroscopy, or synthetic organic chemistry will be advantageous. The ideal candidate should possess excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, along with a keen interest in interdisciplinary research and innovation.

To apply, please contact the supervisor, Dr. Alexander Golovanov at Please include details of your current level of study, academic background and any relevant experience and include a paragraph about your motivation to study this PhD project. The position is advertised until filled, so early applications are encouraged.

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