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Senior Technical Specialist (Design Fabrication and Testing)

The University of Manchester - Science and Engineering

Location: Manchester
Salary: £46,485 to £56,921 UoM Grade 7
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 24th February 2025
Closes: 21st March 2025
Job Ref: SAE-028073

We are seeking an enthusiastic and proactive Senior Technical Specialist to join our dynamic technical operations team, which strives to provide a sector leading technical support for FSE and the wider University.

The Design, Fabrication and Testing Platform builds upon the innovative, creative, practical and research capabilities of our enterprising technical staff. The platform aims to accelerate interdisciplinary research by recognising the intrinsic synergies in the experimental workflows of Natural Science and Engineering. The Senior Technical Specialist will be primarily responsible for directing and leading the platform coordinating and interacting with research, teaching and industrial stakeholders throughout this process.

As the senior lead within the Design Fabrication and Testing Platform, the Senior Technical Specialist will

  • Be required to lead and support the work of the Design, Fabrication and Testing Platform within the Faculty of Science and Engineering. The primary focus of this role will be the provision of support of world-class research and teaching along with work with industry.
  • Be expected to play a key role in ensuring our experimental facilities run efficiently and develop in response to the needs of the research. They will be expected to have a close and supportive working relationship with the academic staff and their researchers who are delivering research projects.
  • Direct and support facilities and themes including construction, dynamics, high energy/speed impact, heavy structure mechanical testing and fluids.
  • Will need to collaborate, cooperate and work effectively with other platforms utilising facilities and Platforms such as Mechanical Testing, Optical and Electronic, Advanced Manufacturing, Workshops and Surface via the PPMS booking system.

As an equal opportunities employer we welcome applicants from all sections of the community regardless of age, sex, gender (or gender identity), ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and transgender status. All appointments are made on merit.

Our University is positive about flexible working – you can find out more here

Blended working arrangements may be considered

Please note that we are unable to respond to enquiries, accept CVs or applications from Recruitment Agencies.

Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews:

Name: Denise Grehan


General enquiries:


Technical support:

Jobtrain: 0161 850 2004

This vacancy will close for applications at midnight on the closing date.

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