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PhD Studentship: Development of Novel Miniaturized Device Technologies for Point-of-Need Diagnostics

University of Birmingham - School of Chemical Engineering

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Birmingham
Funding for: UK Students
Funding amount: Fully funded
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 21st February 2025
Closes: 21st May 2025

A PhD Studentship is available for a suitably qualified candidate to conduct research leading to the award of a PhD degree in the fields of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. The successful candidate will join the world-leading Advanced Nano Materials, Structures and Applications (ANMSA) Group, one of the leading academic groups in the field of development of novel micro and nanostructures and miniaturized diagnostic technologies. Further information can be found on the group's website:

We are looking for a highly motivated, bright and enthusiastic candidate with a preferable background in fabrication, characterization and development of miniaturized devices and a familiarity with multivariate analysis and various computational methods.

The overall aim of this PhD project will be focused on development and clinical validation of advanced devices for point-of-care diagnostics. This project is of a highly interdisciplinary nature, at the interface of microengineering, physics and medicine, will focus on developing and engineering new methods for improved and accurate detection and assessment of diseases as well as understanding, monitoring and controlling the cellular and tissue responses to therapeutic treatments.

By engineering novel intelligent advanced spectroscopic techniques to non-invasively detect and quantify diseases at the point-of-care, this project will make important advancements in several fields, envisioned to lead to high-impact publications and patent protection. The multidisciplinary nature of this project will enable developing strong collaborations and integrating scientific findings with related projects as well as building broad skills-set that will maximize the knowledge and chances in making an impact on the world’s academic and industrial stages.

By diagnosing, monitoring and clinically evaluating patients and better understanding of underlying mechanisms of the diseased tissue and biofluids, the outcomes of this research will lay a platform towards revolutionizing the ways of improving the health and quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

These aspects require a high level of literacy and numeracy, coupled with an ability to develop new techniques and the use of unfamiliar equipment. These skills will make the PhD candidate highly employable after completing the degree.

The candidate should be qualified to at least first-degree level with an upper second- or first-class honors degree in an appropriate branch of Engineering (e.g., Materials, Electrical, Chemical) or Physical Sciences (e.g., Physics, Chemistry) or related fields. The studentship is fully funded covering the maintenance, College and University fees and continuation of funding is subject to annual performance review.

Applications comprising a detailed CV, Cover letter as well as two references should be sent by email to Professor P. G. Oppenheimer: by 21.05.2025. Professor Oppenheimer would also welcome informal enquiries. The successful applicant will be required subsequently to submit a standard application to the University. 

Funding notes:

Fully funded PhD for UK / EU Applicants.
Funding Sources: EPSRC and ERC.

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