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Fully Funded PhD Studentship: Ultrafast Dynamics of Dissociative Ionisation

University of Nottingham - Chemistry

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Nottingham
Funding for: UK Students
Funding amount: £19,237 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 12th February 2025
Closes: 13th February 2025
Reference: SCI297

Location: UK Other

Contact: Dr Patrick Robertson

Starting date: October 2025


About the project

We are recruiting applicants for a fully funded PhD studentship in the School of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham to work under the supervision of Dr Patrick Robertson. The project will develop new instrumentation to study the molecular response to ionisation. Ionisation is a fundamental aspect of the chemistry of many environments, and a molecules initial response(s) to its new electronic configuration will ultimately dictates its chemistry. This research will build upon our prior experience(s) in electron-molecule collision dynamics, photo-ionisation and the chemistry of molecules in strong electric fields (

The successful candidate will develop a Cold Target Recoil Ion Momentum Spectrometer (COLTRIMS) and use this new instrument to study the spectroscopy of molecules of atmospheric and astrochemical significance and the unimolecular chemistry of their molecular cation. They will also be periodically involved in collaborative research at international research facilities, such as x-ray free electron lasers, synchrotrons and the Central Laser Facility.

The candidate will gain direct experience with the use of femtosecond pulsed lasers and optics, high vacuum apparatus and instrumentation, charged particle manipulation and detection systems, signal processing and scientific programming, quantum chemical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations and computer-aided design, as well as training in more general training in scientific communication, project management, collaborative working, and mentoring and leadership. All these skills are widely transferrable and highly sought after in a range of industry, as well as academic career pathways.

About you

We are looking for someone with a background in chemistry, physics, engineering or a related subject who likes to know the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of the world around them. Any practical experience with high vacuum systems, lasers and optics, or scientific programming would be a bonus, but is by no means essential. Developing scientific instrumentation is a multi-faceted and rewarding process for people who enjoy hands-on lab work, but who also appreciate variety in their day-to-day research experience.

If this sounds appealing to you, then please email and introduce yourself. From there, we’d be happy to discuss the finer details, potential fit, or answer whatever other queries you might have.

Funding and eligibility

This studentship is available for UK home student applicants only. Applicants should have or should be on-track to receive at least a 2:1 MSc/MChem or equivalent degree in a relevant discipline that contains a substantive research component, by the project start-date. The studentship is fully funded and includes tuition fees and a full tax-free stipend at the RCUK rate (currently £19,237 per annum). International students will only be considered if they hold a confirmed scholarship that covers the international fees.

Closing Date: Thursday 13 February 2025

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