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EPSRC PhD Studentship in Cybersecurity Communication (Security Studies)

King's College London - Department of War Studies & Cyber Security Research Group (CSRG).

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: London
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: Stipend: full UKRI stipend (£21,237 pa in 2024-25, including London Weighting of £2000 pa) Tuition fees: four years full tuition fees Other: £1,000 pa Research Training Support Grant
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 10th February 2025
Closes: 28th February 2025

Subject areas: Conflict and security.

A fully funded EPSRC studentship to fund a doctoral research project aimed at improving communication between technical & non-technical cybersecurity stakeholders.

Award details

The studentship will fund a doctoral research project aimed at improving communication between technical & non-technical cybersecurity stakeholders. This is important for government, where technical & policy communities interact on key cybersecurity issues and problems, and also for industry, academia and the media. Investigating existing communication dynamics and problems will lead to actionable guidance for use by cybersecurity stakeholders communicating and translating across technical/non-technical disciplinary and functional boundaries.

The successful applicant will demonstrate a commitment to multi- and/or inter-disciplinary research in the social sciences. Applicants are encouraged to propose creative approaches to cybersecurity communication, drawing upon the theory and methods of multiple disciplines, including (but not necessarily limited to) communication studies, political science, International Relations, security studies, science communication, science and technology studies, sociology, & digital humanities. They should also be prepared to undertake substantial interaction with computer science and other technical disciplines as appropriate, and to engage in multistakeholder outreach and engagement.

The studentship will be supervised by Dr Tim Stevens (Department of War Studies), Director of the KCL Cyber Security Research Group (CSRG).

The successful applicant will participate in training & cohort activities coordinated by the King’s Doctoral College and by the Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy and School of Security Studies, including Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). They will also be expected to take an active role in the Cyber Security Research Group

The research project will support EPSRC’s ‘Digital Futures’ objective & deliver impact aligned with its ‘AI, Digitalisation and Data: Driving Value & Security’ agenda, as outlined in its Strategic Delivery Plan 2022-25. Cybersecurity communication is currently under-represented in UK academia and this studentship will generate foundational research in an emerging research area with real-world implications for key cybersecurity partners.

Award value

The Studentship covers:

  • Stipend: full UKRI stipend (£21,237 p.a. in 2024-25, including London Weighting of £2000 p.a.)
  • Tuition fees: 4 years full tuition fees
  • Other: £1,000 p.a. Research Training Support Grant

Eligibility criteria


  • Studentship is open to both Home & International applicants.
  • We welcome and encourage applications from individuals of all backgrounds, particularly from Black, Asian & minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds as they are currently underrepresented at this level in this area.
  • Applicants must demonstrate an interest in social science approaches to cybersecurity and enthusiasm for engaging with wider scholarly & professional cybersecurity communities.
  • All applicants must have an excellent academic track record at undergraduate level and should ideally have or expect to be awarded a Master’s-level qualification in a relevant academic field. Appropriate professional experience may be considered in lieu of Level 7 qualification.

Application process

How to apply

Candidates must apply by clicking the 'Apply' button, above.

Please apply for ‘War Studies Research MPhil/PhD’ and indicate your supervisor (Tim Stevens) and the overall project title (EPSRC DLA in Cybersecurity Communication) in your application. More details are available at: War Studies Research.

The application should include:

  • CV (no more than 2 pages)
  • Covering letter outlining their qualification for the studentship
  • Research proposal (up to 3000 words), including: your proposed project title, research aims and objectives, outline methods statement, & anticipated timeline. The proposal should use consistent academic citation.
  • Sample of recent writing
  • Transcripts of university qualifications
  • 2 academic references


Any enquiries should be directed to Dr Tim Stevens,

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