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Postdoctoral Research Associate in Particle Physics Grade 7/8

University of Liverpool - Faculty of Science and Engineering - School of Physical Sciences - Department of Physics

Location: Liverpool
Salary: £39,105 to £58,596 p.a.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 24th January 2025
Closes: 27th February 2025
Job Ref: 089713

We are seeking to appoint a postdoctoral researcher within our extensive programme on precision muon physics, supported through the Science and Technology Funding Council and a Leverhulme Trust International Professorship. The Liverpool muon group is involved in data analysis for existing experiments and in the development of future experiments and theoretical techniques to study the properties of muons. Liverpool participates in the Muon g-2 and Mu2e experiments at FNAL, Mu3e at PSI, and is a leader in the data-driven calculation of the hadronic contributions to g-2 which limit the accuracy of the SM prediction. Liverpool is also involved in the development of the MUonE experiment at CERN and in preparations for a muon EDM measurement at PSI.

We are looking for candidates with a PhD and a good track record in high profile physics analyses, in detector development and commissioning, or in detector simulation. A direct experience with muon precision experiments would be beneficial. For an appointment at the higher advertised grade, applicants are expected to have a recognized research profile and to have made major contributions to the existing body of muon research or to detector development.

The group’s work currently includes the following principal research areas:

  • The analysis of e+e- to hadrons data to constrain the theoretical prediction of hadronic corrections to the muon g-2;
  • The design, construction and exploitation of experiments to measure or constrain the electric dipole moments of muons;
  • The development and exploitation of the MUonE experiment to measure electron-muon scattering;
  • The analysis of data from muon experiments to extract the properties of muons including the provision of software for tracking and modelling of the detector;
  • The construction and exploitation of experiments to measure or constrain forbidden lepton flavour violating decays of muons;
  • The theory and phenomenology of muon dipole moments. 

We will continue to push the exploitation of g-2 and the development of novel detector designs to make precision measurements of electric and magnetic dipole moments, constrain hadronic corrections and place stringent limits on lepton flavour violation.

For the successful applicants opportunities to contribute to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching courses are available and candidates can be trained towards a formal teaching accreditation. The successful applicant will be expected to travel and spend periods of time at CERN, PSI and other laboratories.

The position is initially available until 30 September 2027. Extension of the post beyond this date will be subject to performance and future applications for continued funding.

For further details see

Please contact Professor Graziano Venanzoni, email: or Professor Joost Vossebeld, email: for all enquiries.

If you are still awaiting your PhD to be awarded you will be appointed at Grade 6, spine point 30. Upon written confirmation that you have been awarded your PhD, your salary will be increased to Grade 7, spine point 31.

Commitment to Diversity

The University of Liverpool is committed to enhancing workforce diversity. We actively seek to attract, develop, and retain colleagues with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We welcome applications from all genders/gender identities, Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic backgrounds, individuals living with a disability, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

For full details and to apply online, please visit:

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