Over the past decade Universiti Brunei Darussalam has been on an exciting progressive journey of change, from what is fundamentally a teaching university to a first class international university of excellence in teaching and research.
In education, our undergraduate GenNEXT degree programme emphasises broad-based learning, programmes that cross disciplinary boundaries and real world experiential learning in the form of the Discovery Year. The curriculum ensures that students are exposed to essential life skills such as critical thinking, reasoning, communication, quantitative analysis and with both national and global perspectives. The Discovery Year component in which students spend one year of their four year programme outside the university, has proven very successful. It has also resulted in a very multi-cultural campus, with international students accounting for almost twenty percent of our student population.
The research funding and facilities at UBD have developed tremendously and consequently lead to a significant increase in graduate students and collaborators coming to UBD to undertake research. With the massive academic mobility including increased joint academic programmes, research collaborations and networks such as iCUBE and Borneo Studies Network (BSN), UBD’s active partnerships with institutions worldwide have contributed to the tremendous improvement in campus life, teaching and research output at the university.
As Brunei Darussalam’s Premier National University, UBD invites suitably qualified candidates to join us in shaping global future leaders and contribute as a Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Research.