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Law PhDs

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18 PhDs Found




Law PhDs

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18 Law PhDs Found


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PhD Studentship: Transparency and Secrecy: The Paradoxes of Tech Whistleblowing in The Digital Era
Coventry University - Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity
Coventry University Group
Location: Coventry
Salary: Fully Funded with Stipend
Date Placed: 27 Feb
Closes 27 May
Scholarship for PhD Study in Political Science
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
Location: Dublin
Salary: Not Specified
Date Placed: 25 Feb
Closes 01 Apr
The Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarships
University of West London
Location: London
Salary: Stipend of £22,000 per year (tax free)
Date Placed: 25 Feb
Closes 30 Apr
Two Doctoral Students
Department for European and Comparative Legal History
Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
Location: Frankfurt
Salary: £2,616.94 per month gross
Date Placed: 21 Feb
Closes 19 Mar
Two Doctoral Students, Legal Transfer in the Common Law World
Department for European and Comparative Legal History
Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
Location: Frankfurt
Salary: £2,616.94 per month gross
Date Placed: 21 Feb
Closes 19 Mar
PhD in Law Studentship
University of Reading
Location: Reading
Salary: £20,780 per annum
Date Placed: 20 Feb
Closes 17 Mar
125th Anniversary Scholarship for Black British Researchers - Construction of Narratives of Black Male Victimisation in Birmingham Magistrates' and Crown Courts
Birmingham Law School
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: 3.5-year scholarships
Date Placed: 18 Feb
Closes 30 Apr
PhD Researcher in Regional Human Rights Regimes
Law School
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Location: Amsterdam
Salary: £2,523.28 to £3,224.33
Date Placed: 14 Feb
Closes 09 Mar
Ph.D Positions in Theoretical Legal Sciences and Digital Legal Sciences
Faculty of Law
Charles University
Location: Prague
Salary: up to 1,600 EUR net per month
Date Placed: 14 Feb
Closes 14 Mar
WRoCAH AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award - Connecting Suffragettes, Technology and Society: Caroline Haslett’s International Correspondence Network
School of Philosophy, Religion & History of Science
University of Leeds
Location: Leeds
Salary: £20,780 - please see advert
Date Placed: 05 Feb
Closes 05 Mar
WRoCAH AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award - (In)Justice in the Archives: Reinterpreting the Policing Collections at Ripon Museums Trust
School of English
University of Leeds
Location: Leeds
Salary: £20,780
Date Placed: 05 Feb
Closes 05 Mar
PhD Studentship in War and Climate Change
University of Reading
Location: Reading
Salary: £19,237
Date Placed: 04 Feb
Closes 19 Mar
PhD Studentship: Practicing (Post-) Publishing (PPP)
Coventry University Group
Location: Coventry
Salary: Fully Funded
Date Placed: 30 Jan
Closes 30 Apr
MPhil/PhD Studentships and Fee Waivers in Westminster Law School
University of Westminster
Location: London
Salary: £21,237 (2024/25 rate, including London weighting)
Date Placed: 30 Jan
Closes 09 Mar
PhD Studentship: The Relationship Between Legal and Economic Interventions for Effective Climate Adaptation Strategies
Law / Business
University of Essex
Location: Colchester, University of Essex
Salary: £19,237 Home tuition fee waiver. Living costs stipend at the UK Research and Innovation recommended level per year. The stipend for 2024-25 is £19,237. The rate for 2025-26 TBA
Date Placed: 23 Jan
Closes 18 Apr
Phd Studentship : Early Women Solicitors in England and Wales 1919-1939 (Lady Cruickshank Studentship)
Department of Law
Queen Mary University of London
Location: London
Salary: Please see advert for details
Date Placed: 20 Jan
Closes 03 Mar
PhD Studentship - Computational Legal Analysis - Classifying and Understanding Remedies in Comparative Labour Law
The University of Manchester
Location: Manchester
Salary: £19,237 - please see advert
Date Placed: 03 Jan
Closes 28 Mar
Kingston University PhD Studentships
Graduate Research School
Kingston University
Location: Kingston upon Thames
Salary: Total contribution to fees and stipend for fully funded studentships: £26,023 per year for three years full-time or £13,011 per year for six years part-time.
Date Placed: 03 Jan
Closes 05 Mar

Ensure your application stands out when applying for your next academic Law vacancy, see how to optimise your CV and prepare efficiently for interviews read our top tips:

How To Write A Flawless Cover Letter:

Have you heard the phrase: ‘Behind every CV is a great cover letter’? We’d argue that the reverse is true. In front of every CV is a flawless cover letter.

10-Step Checklist Before You Send Your Application:

To ensure the greatest chance of success, hold your CV and cover letter up to a brutal interrogation against our 10-step application checklist.

Interview questions tool:

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