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13 PhDs Found

University of Sussex



13 PhDs Found


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When you create this PhD alert we will email you a selection of PhDs matching your criteria.When you create this job alert we will email you a selection of jobs matching your criteria. Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy apply to this service. Any personal data you provide in setting up this alert is processed in accordance with our Privacy Notice

PhD Studentship on the NOvA Experiment
Experimental Particle Physics
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years. A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 24/25). Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.
Date Placed: 25 Mar
Closes 17 Apr
PhD Studentship on the FASER(2) experiment
Experimental Particle Physics
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years. A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 24/25). Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.
Date Placed: 25 Mar
Closes 17 Apr
PhD Studentship on the ATLAS experiment: measuring the properties of the top quark and the Higgs boson
Experimental Particle Physics
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years. A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 24/25). Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.
Date Placed: 25 Mar
Closes 17 Apr
PhD Studentship on Novel Opaque Scintillator Detector R&D and Neutrino Physics
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years. A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 24/25). Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.
Date Placed: 25 Mar
Closes 17 Apr
PhD Studentship on the SNO+ Neutrino Experiment
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years. A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 24/25). Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.
Date Placed: 25 Mar
Closes 17 Apr
PhD Studentship: Investigating the role of DNA2 in DNA replication, genome stability, and human disease.
Genome Damage and Stability Centre
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Home (UK) tuition fees and stipend at standard UKRI rates
Date Placed: 24 Mar
Closes 21 Apr
PhD studentship: Bennett Institute PhD Studentship in AI Governance OR Geospatial AI (2025)
Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU)
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: see details in advert
Date Placed: 12 Mar
Closes 31 Mar
PhD Studentship in AI Governance OR Geospatial AI
Bennett Institute
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Full fee waiver. Stipend equivalent to the UKRI doctoral stipend, currently £19,795 per annum. Opportunity to apply for any part-time Research Assistant roles available.
Date Placed: 03 Mar
Closes 31 Mar
PhD Studentship in the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease Transmission and Control
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Fully-paid tuition fees for 3½ years at the home fee status. A tax-free bursary for living costs for 3½ years (£19,237 per annum in 2024/25). Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.
Date Placed: 19 Feb
Closes 01 May
PhD Studentship in Magnetic Microscopy with Bose-Einstein Condensates
Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: • Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years. A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 24/25). Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.
Date Placed: 18 Feb
Closes 04 Apr
PhD Studentship: EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Information Science and Technologies
School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Please see advert for details
Date Placed: 17 Feb
Closes 31 Mar
PhD Studentship: Molecular basis for DNA damage checkpoint termination
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Home (UK) tuition fees and stipend at standard UKRI rates
Date Placed: 17 Feb
Closes 21 Apr
PhD Studentship: The Maintenance of Centromeric Stability
School of Life Sciences - Genome Stability
University of Sussex
Location: Sussex, Falmer
Salary: Home (UK) tuition fees and stipend at standard UKRI rates.
Date Placed: 11 Feb
Closes 21 Apr

Targeted PhDs

Targeted PhDs

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