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Agriculture, Food & Veterinary PhDs

Discover your next Agricultural, Food and Veterinary position at Explore all our current academic vacancies such as: Lecturer in Agriculture, Food Science, Animal Science, Veterinary Studies and Animal Technician jobs, PhD studentships, postdoctoral research roles and teaching fellowships.

8 PhDs Found

Agriculture, Food & Veterinary



Agriculture, Food & Veterinary PhDs

Discover your next Agricultural, Food and Veterinary position at Explore all our current academic vacancies such as: Lecturer in Agriculture, Food Science, Animal Science, Veterinary Studies and Animal Technician jobs, PhD studentships, postdoctoral research roles and teaching fellowships. This industry offers a diverse range of job vacancies to support your career move. Apply today and find your next Agricultural, Food Science or Veterinary job opportunity.

8 Agriculture, Food & Veterinary PhDs Found


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3 Year, Full-time Funded PhD Studentship
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences - Oxford Institute of Applied Health Research
Oxford Brookes University
Location: Oxford
Salary: £20,780 2025/26 bursary rate
Date Placed: 24 Feb
Closes 27 Mar
PhD Studentship: EPSRC Supported EngD Towards Net-zero Manufacture of Chilled Refrigerated Prepared Foods
School of Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: EPSRC funding
Date Placed: 20 Feb
Closes 19 May
125th Anniversary Scholarship for Black British Researchers - Climate Change, Geopolitical Tensions and Food Security in Europe
Birmingham Business School
University of Birmingham
Location: Birmingham
Salary: 3.5-year scholarships
Date Placed: 19 Feb
Closes 30 Apr
PhD Studentship in Crop Science
Agriculture, Policy and Development
University of Reading
Location: Reading
Salary: UKRI stipend for three years
Date Placed: 13 Feb
Closes 07 Mar
ESRC White Rose DTP Collaborative Studentship - The Social Value of Sustainable Food Public Procurement. A Case Study of Leeds
School of Geography
University of Leeds
Location: Leeds
Salary: £20,780 - please see advert
Date Placed: 07 Feb
Closes 14 Mar
PhD Studentship: Reef to Rescue: Advancing Ex Situ Breeding for Marine Conservation
University of Plymouth
Location: Plymouth
Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes Home or International tuition fees plus a stipend of £19,237 per annum 2024-25 rate (2025-26 rate TBC)
Date Placed: 30 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
PhD Studentship: The Ecology and Conservation of Goldsinny Wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) in Coastal Marine Ecosystems
University of Plymouth
Location: Plymouth
Salary: The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes Home rate tuition fees plus a stipend of £19,237 per annum 2024-25 rate (2025-26 rate TBC)
Date Placed: 30 Jan
Closes 14 Mar
Kingston University PhD Studentships
Graduate Research School
Kingston University
Location: Kingston upon Thames
Salary: Total contribution to fees and stipend for fully funded studentships: £26,023 per year for three years full-time or £13,011 per year for six years part-time.
Date Placed: 03 Jan
Closes 05 Mar

Does your CV need a refresh? Struggling to write a cover letter? has got you covered! Our Career’s Advice blog provides helpful tips and suggestions to help your job application started.

CV Cover Letters With Impact:

Whether you’ve recently graduated and looking for opportunities, or you’ve just started searching for a new position, making your CV impactful is essential if you want to get invited to an interview, read our article to learn more.

Completing a Job Application

A large part of the time and effort required for a good application goes into the preliminary work. Good preparation is essential: avoid the temptation to start completing the form as soon as you receive it.

Interview questions tool:

With the rise in video interviews conducted we’ve created a helpful guide to help get you started. Video interviews are used by an increasing number of employers to sift through candidates for internships, graduate schemes and other professional roles.

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