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PhD Studentship - Understanding the Microbiome and Phageome in Chronic Lung Infections for the Development of Phage Therapy (ADRIAENSSENS_Q25MMB)

University of East Anglia - Quadram Institute Bioscience

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Norwich
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: £20,780 Stipend (Research Council Funded)
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 14th March 2025
Closes: 14th April 2025

Number of Opportunities Available: 1

Primary supervisor - Dr Evelien Adriaenssens

Bronchiectasis is a chronic respiratory disease affecting 1 in 200 people in the UK. Recurrent infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa are common and lead to worse clinical outcomes. One of the promising avenues of new treatments is phage therapy. In this project, we aim to increase our knowledge of the bacterial and phage communities associated with bronchiectasis sputum so that we can make better decisions about personalised phage therapy. The expected workload is mainly computational, using bioinformatics analyses to investigate the microbiome and phageome with supporting laboratory work for DNA extractions and microbial isolations.

We are recruiting a student on an MRC-funded project at the Quadram Institute Bioscience, in collaboration with the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. The student will join the group of Dr Evelien Adriaenssens, expert in viromes and microbiome, with support from Prof Eleanor Mishra, respiratory consultant and associate clinical professor.

The ideal candidate has at a minimum an Upper Second-Class Honours degree in Microbiology, Biotechnology or Bioinformatics (or equivalent) and a passion for research. Since this project combines both laboratory molecular microbiology and bioinformatics approaches, we will consider appropriate expertise in either microbiology, molecular biology or bioinformatics with the desire to learn about the other aspects. The willingness to learn advanced skills in bioinformatics including the use of the command-line is essential. 

The PhD student will be based in the Quadram Institute building located on the Norwich Research Park, where they will join a vibrant research community at the interface between fundamental and translational research into the microbiome. The QIB offers a wide range of training opportunities, laboratory and computational scientific support and funding to attend conferences, preparing the student for any career of their choice.

The Microbes, Microbiomes and Bioinformatics (MMB) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) is open to UK and international candidates with relevant undergraduate degrees for entry in October 2025 and offers the opportunity to undertake a fully-funded 4-year PhD research project supported by the UKRI Medical Research Council in microbiology and microbial bioinformatics.

Our unique and comprehensive training programme empowers students to feel comfortable running sophisticated computer analyses alongside laboratory work and emphasises problem-based learning in microbial bioinformatics, professional development and research skills. All MMB DTP students undertake a Professional Placement.

Interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place on Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 May 2025.

The MMB DTP is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. Students are selected without regard to age, disability, gender identity, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, ethnicity, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation or social background. We value curiosity, independence of thought, plus an aptitude for research that combines laboratory work and bioinformatics.

For information on eligibility and how to apply:

Funding Information:

This project is awarded with a 4-year fully-funded studentship including direct payment of tuition fees to the University, stipend for living expenses (2025/26 rate: £20,780) and a Research Training Support Grant for each year of the studentship.

Closing Date: 14/04/2025

Please complete your application via the ‘Apply’ button above. 

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