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Research Associate

University of Glasgow - College of Science & Engineering - School of Physics & Astronomy

Location: Glasgow
Salary: £40,247 to £45,163 per annum (Grade 7)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 28th February 2025
Closes: 20th March 2025
Job Ref: 168211

This post is full time and funded for up to 30 months.

We have an opportunity for a Research Associate to make a leading contribution to an EPSRC-funded project “Engineering exotic electronic states in an oxide kagome quantum spin liquid” working with David Boldrin in the Materials and Condensed Matter Physics group within the School of Physics and Astronomy.

The role will involve a combination of solid-state synthesis of transition metal oxide-based quantum frustrated magnets, physical property measurements such as magnetometry and advanced characterisation using X-ray and neutron diffraction, electron microscopy and spectroscopy, and inelastic neutron scattering. Previous experience with some or all of these will be an advantage. There will also be opportunities to work with collaborators, such as project partners at the University of St. Andrews, Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Laue-Langevin.

The successful candidate will also be expected to lead proposals to neutron and synchrotron scattering facilities, contribute to the formulation and submission of research publications, presentations and proposals, work with and mentor PhD students as well as help manage and direct this complex and challenging project as opportunities allow.

For informal enquiries or further information about the project, please contact Dr David Boldrin, (

For more information on the University of Glasgow’s, School of Physics & Astronomy, please visit

For more information and to apply online:

It is the University of Glasgow’s mission to foster an inclusive climate, which ensures equality in our working, learning, research and teaching environment.

We strongly endorse the principles of Athena SWAN, including a supportive and flexible working environment, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in promoting gender equality. The School of Physics and Astronomy is the proud holder of Athena SWAN Silver and Juno Champion Awards.

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