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Non-Executive Board Recruitment

The Bedford College Group

Time Commitment: 12 days per year

We are recognised as one of the best in the country both in educational excellence and as an employer. In fact, we’re a first choice employer in the region - well managed and financially robust.

The Bedford College Group is one of the largest college groups in the UK, having been formed through several mergers over the last few years. Located across Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire, the Group incorporates Bedford College, Central Bedfordshire College and Tresham College in the towns of Bedford, Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough; Shuttleworth College, a specialist land-based college; The Bedford Sixth Form and The Corby Sixth Form; and the National College for Motorsport alongside Silverstone race circuit.

Our latest Ofsted report underscores our achievements and unwavering commitment to both student success and aligning with industry demands. Our overarching ambition remains steadfast - to deliver unparalleled educational experiences for our students and to offer exceptional professional growth opportunities for our staff. With the recent appointment of a new CEO, The Bedford College Group embarks on a fresh chapter in its journey.

We are actively recruiting for dedicated individuals to join our Board of Governors, bringing a unique blend of backgrounds, skills and experiences. This may be your first board appointment, but you will bring a proven track record as a strategic leader. Specifically, we are looking for candidates with expertise in one of the following areas: FE leadership, education policy leadership or strategic HR experience.

Most importantly, you should demonstrate a deep commitment to our Group's mission, a strong alignment with the Group’s purpose, and prior experience collaborating with boards and executive teams. Your leadership background should enable you to contribute both inquiry and support to help us achieve the strategy of The Bedford College Group.

Our learners come from a wide range of backgrounds, and we are therefore particularly interested to hear from applicants who will help our Board be more reflective of the diversity of our learner population.

The role is unremunerated, but expenses will be paid. The time commitment is approximately 12 days per year which includes six board meetings. For further information about this opportunity and to apply, please click the 'Apply' button above. 

For an informal confidential discussion, please contact our advisers Paul Aristides or Elsye Turner-Pearce (


Location: Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire
Salary: The role is unremunerated, but expenses will be paid.
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 28th February 2025
Closes: 28th April 2025
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