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Project Manager (Noise Network Plus)

University of Surrey - Department FEPS CSEE / Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) and the Institute for People-Centred AI (PAI)

Location: Guildford
Salary: £22,304 to £27,247 per annum pro rata (0.6 FTE)
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 28th February 2025
Closes: 23rd March 2025
Job Ref: 013025

We are seeking an experienced Project Manager to support collaborative projects within the Centre for Vision, Speech, and Signal Processing (CVSSP) and the Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence (PAI). This is a part time (21.6 hours/week), fixed term role up to January 2028.

The Role

This post will have particular responsibility for “Noise Network Plus”, a collaboration between the Universities of Surrey, Bath, Salford, and City St George's University of London, and funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Noise Network Plus aims to bringing together diverse teams and stakeholders, promote inclusive dialogue and co-design innovative solutions, to build unprecedented research capabilities to tackle the complex challenge of reducing noise and its impacts on people, the environment and the economy.

The candidate must have prior experience as a project manager and demonstrate relevant skills in planning, preparation, execution, and reporting of projects to ensure the operational aspects are clearly defined and achieved within the timelines, cost and quality guidelines. The Noise Network Plus will be hosting multiple events such as grant writing and impact workshops, summer schools and stakeholder engagement meetings. As such, event organisation experience is essential.

In addition to this post, CVSSP and PAI are seeking to recruit several posts to support new projects, including researchers project managers. Other similar part time roles are foreseen, and there will likely be the option to make this a full-time post if the candidate wishes to, but this is not essential. 

You will join an established research group within a highly rated research centre, with an excellent computing and software infrastructure for first class research, modern facilities and close links with industry. The Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) is an International Centre of Excellence for research in Audio-Visual Machine Perception. The Centre has state-of-the-art acoustic capture and analysis facilities and a Visual Media Lab with video and audio capture facilities supporting research in real-time video and audio processing and visualisation. The Surrey Institute for People Centred AI (PAI) builds on 38 years of work into foundational AI in CVSSP, which is ranked 1st in the UK for Computer Vision and in the top-5 for both Audio-Visual AI and Robotics (CS Rankings, Sept 2024).

How to Apply

Please apply with your CV and cover letter on the University website.

For informal enquiries related to the project, please contact the Principal Investigator, Professor Mark Plumbley, e-mail:

Our strategy

Surrey recently launched its Vision 2041 strategy that produces graduates and research outcomes that enrich lives, transform society and create change for a better world.

Further details

For more information and to apply online, please download the further details and click on the 'apply online' button above.

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