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PhD Studentship: Development of New Cobalt-free Cathode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries Using Mechanochemistry

University of Birmingham - School of Chemistry

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Birmingham
Funding for: UK Students
Funding amount: Funding is available for UK students only.
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 27th February 2025
Closes: 31st March 2025

Applications are sought for a PhD project under the supervision of Dr Phoebe Allan at the University of Birmingham to develop new cobalt-free lithium-ion battery cathode materials using mechanochemistry.

The cathode represents the greatest barrier to increasing the energy density and lowering the cost of lithium-ion batteries; it accounts for around half of the cost and a third of the weight of a typical lithium-ion battery. Moreover, high-energy density commercial cathodes typically rely on cobalt to obtain acceptable long-term performance, but cobalt supply chains are vulnerable to political instability in Central Africa as well as being the subject of human rights concerns. The discovery and development of new cobalt-free high-energy density cathode materials is of paramount importance.

This project will use mechanochemistry as a method to synthesise and optimise the performance of cobalt-free cathodes. The project will involve aspects of materials synthesis, characterisation and physical/electrochemical property measurements. Synchrotron characterisation methods including x-ray diffraction, total-scattering and x-ray absorption spectroscopy will be applied to uncover links between the synthesis conditions, a material’s structure and its properties. This will accelerate the discovery and development of the next generation of cathode materials.

The successful applicant will join a team of researchers in the group of Phoebe Allan working on materials chemistry for sustainability. The project will provide training in a wide-range of state-of-the-art scientific skills training directly applicable to career in academia or industry including solid-state synthesis, mechanochemistry, x-ray diffraction, x-ray spectroscopy and lithium-ion battery construction and testing. There will be the opportunity to work in a team to perform experiments at central facilities such as Diamond Light Source. This will be complemented by training in scientific writing and presentation skills and opportunities to interact with and present to industry collaborators and to partake in undergraduate teaching and outreach activities.

The University of Birmingham was founded in 1900 on an anti-discrimination ethos accepting men and women on an equal basis. Today, as a community of over 150 nationalities in one of the UK’s most vibrant cities, we remain committed to promoting equality, diversity and fairness irrespective of age, disability, gender, pregnancy or marital status, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender identity. The School of Chemistry is housed in the new state-of-the-art Molecular Sciences Building which opened in 2024 and is home to a vibrant community of groups researching battery materials development and recycling, mechanochemistry, and chemistry for sustainability more widely.

Candidates should have or expect to receive a first or upper second (2.1) honours degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, physics, materials science or other related discipline. Familiarity with solid-state chemistry, battery/electrochemistry or x-ray diffraction would be an advantage. The ability to work in a team and a willingness to develop new skills are essential. Please email Dr Phoebe Allan ( with a CV in advance of applying.

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