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EngD Studentship: AI-driven control system for hydrogen-electric maritime energy infrastructure

University of Plymouth - Engineering

Qualification Type: Professional Doctorate
Location: Devon, Plymouth
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: The studentship is supported for 4 years (1 year taught element + 3 year industry research project) and includes full Home tuition fees, Bench fee plus a stipend of £20,780 per annum 2025/26 rate.
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 27th February 2025
Closes: 28th March 2025

DoS: Dr Yeaw Chu Lee (

2nd Supervisor: Prof Lars Johanning (

3rd Supervisor: Dr Md Jahir Rizvi (

Applications are invited for a 4-year EPSRC funded UDLA EngD studentship.

The studentship will start on 1st October 2025.

The University is leading a new Doctoral Landscape Award designed to foster a new generation of researchers in offshore renewable energy and health and medical technologies. Funded through a grant of over £1.7million from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the initiative will build on existing areas of research excellence spearheaded by the University’s Centre for Decarbonisation and Offshore Renewable Energy and Centre for Health Technology.

Project Description

This proposed research project aims to develop an AI-driven control system for hydrogen-electric maritime energy infrastructure in addressing key challenges in hydrogen production, storage, and delivery, as well as electricity distribution.

Project objectives include:

  • Optimal Energy Management: Develop AI-driven control strategies to manage power flow between hydrogen fuel cells, energy storage systems, and electric propulsion systems for efficient and reliable operation.
  • Pressure and Flow Regulation: Utilize AI models to optimize hydrogen and oxygen supply pressures and flow rates in real-time for increased FC efficiency, avoiding oxygen starvation and reducing mechanical stresses on fuel cells
  • Thermal and Water Management: Design intelligent thermal and water management systems to enhance the efficiency and lifespan of fuel cells by balancing temperature control and avoiding water flooding in low temperature systems.

Development of new AI-driven solutions will enable dynamic production adjustments based on grid availability while ensuring efficient and reliable operations. These include optimisation of energy management, supply of hydrogen and oxygen flow regulations for maximum efficiency, and smart designs to augment lifespan of hydrogen fuel cells.  

The EngD project, it will be co-lead by Hydrostar Europe with the supervisory team at University of Plymouth.


Applicants should have a first or upper second class honours degree in an appropriate subject and preferably a relevant Masters qualification. Applications from both UK and overseas students are welcome.

The studentship is supported for 4 years (1 year taught element + 3 year industry research project) and includes full Home tuition fees, Bench fee plus a stipend of £20,780 per annum 2025/26 rate. The studentship will only fully fund those applicants who are eligible for Home fees with relevant qualifications.  Applicants normally required to cover International fees will have to cover the difference between the Home and the International tuition fee rates.  The international component of the fee may be waived for outstanding international applicants.

There is no additional funding available to cover NHS Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) costs, visa costs, flights etc.

If you wish to discuss this project further informally, please contact:

Dr Yeaw Chu Lee at

To apply for this position please click on the Apply button above.

Please clearly state the name of the studentship that you are applying for on your personal statement.

For more information on the admissions process generally, please contact:

The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 28th March 2025.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview shortly thereafter.

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