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Research Laboratory Coordinator (Fixed Term)

University of Cambridge - Department of Clinical Biochemistry

Location: Cambridge
Salary: £33,482 to £39,355 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 26th February 2025
Closes: 16th March 2025
Job Ref: RG45223

We are seeking a research laboratory manager to help ensure the smooth operation of our established research team at Institute of Metabolic Science ( and Department of Pharmacology ( at the University of Cambridge. The laboratory of Dr. Florian T. Merkle studies the neurobiology of obesity and neurodegeneration, as well as basic stem cell biology. Our group uses a combination of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSCs)-based models and mouse models to reveal disease mechanisms using CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing, high-content imaging, and computational approaches in addition to more traditional cell & molecular biological techniques. Our ultimate goal is to translate insights from this research into new treatments for obesity and/or neurodegenerative disease.

The successful applicant will ensure the smooth day-to-day functioning of the laboratory (e.g. ordering, equipment maintenance, organisation, and record-keeping). In this role, the applicant will interact on a regular basis with members of the team (~8-12 members), other collaborators and staff within our institute, and local and international collaborators in academia and industry. This role provides an opportunity  for career development, interaction with other world-class groups, and to contribute to the discovery and development of new therapies in an interdisciplinary, friendly, and collaborative environment.

To be considered for this position, you must 1) possess a university degree or higher, 2) demonstrate outstanding organizational, managerial, and record-keeping practices, 3) have a track record of effective communication and collaboration, and 4) have at least one year of practical experience in industry or academia.

The ideal applicant would be detail-oriented and dedicated, and have practical expertise with laboratory and/or project management, especially the use of management software and electronic notebooks, and paperwork including MTAs, ethics approvals, animal licenses and risk assessments, as well as laboratory techniques in cellular and molecular biology. Experience with meeting facilitation, student supervision, the preparation of data for publication, and a background in neuroscience or stem cell biology would also be beneficial.

If the applicant desires, it may be possible for them to lead an independent research project. This project may enable them to undertake a postgraduate course (e.g. MSc or PhD) at the University of Cambridge once they have passed the probationary period, should the research project overlap substantially with the roles and duties outlined below, and where the employment contract extends to or beyond the course of study. More details are available at

Proposed start date: April 2025, though there is some flexibility. Informal inquiries about this position should be directed to Florian Merkle at with reference number RG45223 in the subject line.

Fixed-term: The funds for this post are available until 31 December 2025 in the first instance.

To apply online for this vacancy and to view further information about the role, please click the 'Apply' button above. 

Please ensure that you outline how you match the criteria for the post and why you are applying for this role on the online application form.

Please include details of your referees, including email address and phone number, one of which must be your most recent line manager.

Please quote reference RG45223 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.

The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.

We value your feedback on the quality of our adverts. If you have a comment to make about the overall quality of this advert, or its categorisation then please send us your feedback
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