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Teaching and Research Fellowship in Law

University of Cambridge - St Catharine’s College

Location: Cambridge
Salary: £36,024 to £40,521 per annum (Points 41 to 45 on the University of Cambridge’s pay scale)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 25th February 2025
Closes: 9th April 2025

Tenure: Five years from 1 October 2025

St Catharine’s College in the University of Cambridge invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for a Teaching and Research Fellowship in Law. The Fellowship is tenable for five years from 1 October 2025. The Fellowship is designed as an early-career opportunity and is intended to enable the post-holder to devote substantial time to research while also contributing to the teaching of Law in the College. The post-holder is thus expected to be research active.

Key responsibilities

The post-holder will be required to undertake eight hours of small-group College teaching per week during Terms, and will be required to assume the role of Director of Studies in Law. The post-holder will be required to teach two subjects in the Law Tripos, the University’s undergraduate Law course. Particular preference may be given to candidates who are able to offer at least one, and ideally two, of the following subjects: Law of Tort, Law of Contract, Land Law, and Equity. It is anticipated that the post-holder will be elected to an Official Fellowship of the College, which carries a range of benefits and responsibilities. Remuneration will be at points 41 to 45 on the University of Cambridge’s pay scale (currently £36,024–£40,521). There may also be opportunities to contribute to teaching programmes in the Faculty of Law, which would be separately remunerated.

Applications and selection procedure

Applications, including a statement setting out how the applicant considers that they meet the post’s requirements, a full curriculum vitae, and the names of two referees, should be submitted online by clicking the 'Apply' button above. 

The closing date (for the receipt of both applications and references) is noon on Wednesday 9 April 2025.

Shortlisted candidates will be asked to submit a piece of written work relating to a current or recently completed piece of research (e.g. a journal article, whether or not it has been published or accepted for publication or a relevant thesis chapter). The written work should not exceed 14,000 words in length.

Further particulars can be found via Information on St Catharine's College can be found on the College website ( Information on the Faculty of Law can be found on its website ( Informal enquiries concerning this post may be directed to Professor Mark Elliott (

In person interviews will take place on Tuesday 6 May 2025.


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