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PhD Studentship: Gravity Currents Driven by Ambient Flow

Loughborough University - Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Loughborough
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students
Funding amount: £19,237 per annum (2024/25 rate)
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 25th February 2025
Closes: 23rd March 2025
Reference: ABCE-ES-25

A funded PhD position is available at the ABCE, Loughborough University, offering the successful candidate the opportunity to join both the Loughborough Fluid Dynamics Group and the Leeds Turbidites Research Group. This project focuses on the fascinating world of gravity currents – fluid flows driven by density differences, creating a current along a horizontal boundary. Think of a saltwater current flowing beneath freshwater, or even larger-scale phenomena like cold fronts in the atmosphere or underwater turbidity currents. These flows are ubiquitous, appearing in various contexts from building ventilation and industrial gas spills to natural events like avalanches and ocean currents.

The core of this PhD project lies in understanding the energetics of these flows. As a gravity current propagates, it displaces the surrounding fluid, causing a build-up of fluid at the current's leading edge. This project seeks to answer a fundamental question: how do the internal energy reserves, both kinetic (motion) and potential (due to gravity), evolve as these currents move over varying slopes? Unravelling this complex interplay of energy requires a deep dive into the underlying physics, ultimately leading to improved models for both industrial and environmental flows. Better predictions of these currents, particularly hazardous ones, will enable more effective mitigation strategies. 

The primary research method will be numerical, utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to create high-resolution simulations. These simulations will capture the intricate turbulent dynamics of the flows, providing a detailed picture of their behaviour. The simulated data will then be analysed and interpreted within established theoretical frameworks. A key goal is to refine and develop these frameworks into predictive models that accurately capture the full energy budget of the gravity currents. Furthermore, the project offers exciting possibilities for collaboration with national and international partners to conduct experiments, providing crucial validation for the numerical simulations. 

The ultimate aim is to develop a robust, quantitative model capable of predicting the evolution of energy within gravity currents across a wide range of flow conditions. This model will be a valuable tool for understanding and forecasting the impacts of these flows. Beyond the initial objectives, the project provides a platform for the PhD student to explore other related aspects of gravity currents, allowing for further development and specialization within this dynamic field.

Funding Details

Funding Comment

The studentship is for three years and provides a tax-free stipend of £19,237 per annum (2024/25 rate) for the duration of the studentship plus university tuition fees.

Due to funding restrictions, this is only available to those eligible for UK fees.

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