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Research & Knowledge Exchange Coordinator

The Place

Location: London
Salary: The salary for this position is 0.8 of £30,600, equating to £24,480 per annum, pro-rated for this part-time position
Hours: Part Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 26th February 2025
Closes: 17th March 2025

Job description:

This is an exciting time to join The Place and LCDS as the Research & Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Coordinator. Following the approval of our RKE Strategy 2024-29, we are entering a phase of focused activity in this area with academic colleagues, Public Programmes teams, and professional staff.

The primary purpose of this role is to coordinate and provide administrative support for research and knowledge exchange at The Place. This includes supporting preparations for the Research Excellence Framework (REF), Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF), and Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF). You will assist with impact case studies, funding applications, and financial monitoring, while ensuring effective systems and procedures.

You will be key in managing research activities, supporting the development of our doctoral programme, and coordinating events. This role also involves maintaining databases for tracking research outputs, impact, and funding, while liaising with both internal and external stakeholders to support research development.

This is an open-ended permanent contract. This is a part-time position (equivalent to 32 hours per week). These hours are inclusive of a one-hour paid lunch break each day. Your hours of work will be agreed with the line manager.

Whilst in the six-month probationary period the notice period will be two weeks. Once this period is successfully completed the post holder will be confirmed in the post and the notice period will be six weeks.

For full information about this role and to apply, please click the 'Apply' button above.

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