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Faculty Position in the Institute of Space Earth Science

Nanjing University – Institute of Space Earth Science (ISES)

About us

The Institute of Space Earth Science (ISES) at Nanjing University’s Suzhou Campus invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor levels. Areas of specialization include space-based earth observation theory and techniques, big earth data science and technology, moon-based earth observation, and sustainable development science.

Job description

ISES is committed to becoming a globally recognized hub for innovation, talent development, international collaboration, and cutting-edge research in earth science from space. We are seeking candidates capable of driving integration and analysis within earth science systems, utilizing data-driven and model-based techniques. Candidates should be eager to contribute to a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment with strong traditions in both fundamental and applied research.


  1. A Ph.D. in remote sensing, or a related field;
  2. A demonstrated track record of impactful research and teaching, supported by a strong publication history and successful student mentorship;
  3. Proven ability to work collaboratively in interdisciplinary settings;
  4. A commitment to advancing interdisciplinary research and education;
  5. Willingness to address complex technical and societal challenges within and beyond your discipline.


  1. Competitive annual salary (negotiable).
  2. Research start-up funding.
  3. The university provides short-term lodging and housing subsidies. Support for children’s education at both primary and secondary levels.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.

Application materials

Interested candidates should submit the following:

  1. Cover letter.
  2. Detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of publications.
  3. Statement of academic achievements.
  4. Research plan and future prospects.
  5. Statement of teaching experience. Three reference letters.

How to apply

Please send your application materials (including details on education, work experience, research areas, a list of research achievements, and any other supporting materials showcasing your accomplishments) to Ms. Liping Jing.

Contact: Ms.Wenwen XU


Tel: 86-512-68768027

Location: Suzhou - China
Salary: ¥370,000 to ¥420,000
£41,680.50 to £47,313 converted salary* Competitive
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 28th February 2025
Expires: 29th April 2025
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* Salary has been converted at the prevailing rate on the date placed
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