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Research Assistant

UCL - Fluid Biomarker Lab

Location: London
Salary: £38,607 to £41,255
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 24th February 2025
Closes: 9th March 2025
Job Ref: B02-08405

The Fluid Biomarker Lab was set up in 2021 with a vision to create a biomarker platform for the UK Dementia Research Institute and the wider neurodegenerative disease research community, that can undertake the larger studies to inform dementia research, clinical trial set-up and treatments for all neurodegenerative diseases. We collaborate with laboratories working on neurodegeneration nationally and internationally and have multiple sensitive platforms for biomarker measurements, including the first Alamar Biosciences ARGO HT platform in the UK, A Signature 100 Olink platform, a MesoScale Discovery platform and 4 Quanterix Simoa HD-X platforms.

The Fluid Biomarker Lab is recruiting a Research Assistant to support the recruitment of a platform called the UK-TBI REpository and data PORTal Enabling discoveRy (TBI-REPORTER). This exciting MRC/NIHR/MoD/ARUK-funded initiative will bring together all the available research on Traumatic Brain Injury and make it accessible to scientists.

Fluid biomarkers are an important part of the programme and UCL and Imperial College have a long history of collaboration in the curation of samples for and the measurement of fluid biomarkers related to TBI. You will be working as part of this TBI-Reporter study and your role would be to work between Imperial and UCL to ensure the highest quality fluid biomarker research is conducted and reported.

The post is available from 01 May 2025 and is funded by the MRC for one year in the first instance.

If you need reasonable adjustments or a more accessible format to apply for this job online, or have any queries regarding the application process, please contact the Institute of Neurology HR Team (ion.hradmin at

Informal enquiries regarding the role can be addressed to Dr Amanda Heslegrave (a.heslegrave at

You’ll have a BSc in a biomedical subject, knowledge of immunoassays and their validation, and general laboratory competency. Excellent time management, communication, and interpersonal skills are essential for this role, as is the ability to use your own initiative and work independently as well as collaboratively as part of a team.

Experience of running ELISA assays, working with human samples, and an interest in fluid biomarkers and the TBI field is desirable.

Starting salary offered in the range £38,607 - £41,255 per annum, inclusive of London Allowance.

As well as the exciting opportunities this role presents, we also offer some great benefits; visit to find out more.

As London’s Global University, we know diversity fosters creativity and innovation, and we want our community to represent the diversity of the world’s talent. 12% of Institute staff are actively working on EDI initiatives; visit for more information about what we’re doing. We therefore particularly encourage applications from candidates who are likely to be underrepresented in UCL’s workforce; these include people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, disabled people, LGBTQI+ and gender diverse people in all roles, and women in Grade 9 and 10 roles.

Customer advert reference: B02-08405

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