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Postdoctoral Research Associate (Anthropocene Encounters)

University of York - Department of Archaeology

Location: York
Salary: £37,174 to £45,413 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 24th February 2025
Closes: 27th March 2025
Job Ref: 13878

Role Description


The Department of Archaeology at the University of York is ranked 26th in the world and 5th in the UK in the QS rankings. Our vibrant, diverse and international community consists of over 100 staff and about 600 students. We carry out international, impact-oriented and interdisciplinary teaching and research of the highest quality through our strong network of partnerships. The student experience is of paramount importance to the Department and we maintain a high level of student satisfaction. Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of our values and we promote a collegial environment in which staff and students feel supported and empowered to achieve their full potential. We are proud of our Athena Swan Silver Award and strive to provide a working environment which facilitates wellbeing and allows all staff and students to contribute fully, flourish, and excel. We aim for a sustainable future.


This fixed term, full time Postdoctoral Research Associate position is linked to an International Leverhulme Professorship awarded to Professor Emma Waterton. This grant has established the new Heritage for Global Challenges Research Centre for which we are seeking an enthusiastic Postdoctoral Research Associate. The successful applicant will work closely with Professor Waterton to co-design and co-lead research activities that connect with the theme of “Anthropocene Encounters”. They will design and carry out research, including data collection/analysis and disseminating results. The specifics of the successful applicant’s research focus will be open for discussion once in post. Applicants invited to interview will therefore be asked to propose a program of research that connects with the overarching theme of “Anthropocene Encounters”. Applicants with a developing research profile in a relevant theoretical framework (i.e environmental humanities, naturecultures, contemporary archaeology, Critical Indigenous Studies, geophilosophy, environmental history etc.) are encouraged to apply.

The post is available for 19-months from 1 July 2025.

Skills, Experience & Qualification needed

  • First degree and PhD in an area relevant to Heritage Studies
  • A developing research profile in a theoretical framework relevant to understanding heritage in the Anthropocene
  • Knowledge of a range of research techniques and methodologies
  • Highly developed communication skills to engage effectively with a wide ranging audience
  • Evidence of active participation in the planning and advancement of research projects and the dissemination of scholarly work
  • Collaborative ethos, commitment to accountable research and promoting the public understanding of research and scholarship.
  • A positive and accountable attitude, a willingness to work proactively with colleagues in other areas/institutions, and the ability to plan and prioritise workloads to meet deadlines.

Interview date: w/c 21 April 2025

For informal enquiries: please contact Professor Emma Waterton on

The University strives to be diverse and inclusive – a place where we can ALL be ourselves.

We particularly encourage applications from people who identify as Black, Asian or from a Minority Ethnic background, who are underrepresented at the University.

We offer family friendly, flexible working arrangements, with forums and inclusive facilities to support our staff. #EqualityatYork

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