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ARISE Senior Research Officer

University of Essex - Department of Government

Location: Colchester, Hybrid
Salary: £37,099 to £40,521 per annum.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 24th February 2025
Closes: 23rd March 2025
Job Ref: REQ09136

We are offering an exciting postdoctoral Senior Research Officer opportunity in the Department of Government at the University of Essex. You will contribute research to the ARISE project, “Advancing Resilience and Innovation for a Sustainable Environment”.

ARISE is a ground-breaking £3 million research initiative that studies how to develop resilience within coastal seas and communities, working with local stakeholders to design and test different ‘interventions’, or ways of tackling problems related to climate change, sea level rise, and environmental, political, and social threats. At the end of the project, we will have a powerful and practical toolkit that informs policy and public management scholars and practitioners on how to address the challenges facing our coasts, particularly those posed by the effects of climate change on the natural, human, and built environments.

The ARISE project is led by Professor Gina Yannitell Reinhardt, who will jointly supervise the postdoctoral research with Prof Philip Leifeld, based at the University of Manchester.

Duties of the Role
Your role in this project will be to study the policy networks enabling or hindering effective governance, community resilience, and implementation of place-based measures in the areas of climate adaptation, infrastructure, heritage and culture, health and wellbeing, public goods, and other issues affecting the resilience of local communities.

To this end, you will collect policy network and other relevant data, including through interviews with decision makers in several municipalities in the east of England, analyse these data, and contribute to, with the opportunity to lead on, academic publications in the areas of environmental policy and administration, political networks, environmental communication, and sustainability. Your work will also involve conceptual, theoretical, and empirical research on the drivers of resilience in coastal communities across issue areas.

The project provides room for co-authored and team-based publications and methodological development.

A full list of duties and responsibilities can be found within the job pack.

Qualifications and Skills Required
We are looking for a candidate with a keen interest in environmental politics or policy and a PhD (or be in final stages of studies) in politics or another social science discipline or project-related disciplines, such as environmental science or STEM.

In addition, you will possess strong writing skills, data management skills, and experience with some methodological aspects of the project, such as network analysis, structured interviews, systems mapping, or statistical analysis.

Ideal candidates would further have academic working papers under review or publications related to the themes of the project and familiarity with statistical software and/or programming.

A full list of applicant requirements can be found under the Person Specification section within the job pack.

This is a fixed-term, full-time research post until 30 August 2027 in line with the grant funding.

Please use the 'Apply' button to read further information about this role including the full job description and person specification which outlines the full duties, skills, qualifications and experience needed for this role. You will also find details of how to make your application here.

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