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NIHR Clinical Lecturer - Healthy Life Span, Long Term Conditions or Cancer

University of Liverpool - Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Location: Liverpool
Salary: £39,260 to £68,478 per annum (National Clinical Scale post 2009 Lecturer)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 21st February 2025
Closes: 18th March 2025
Job Ref: 091533

We are seeking applications from candidates with a track record and interests that are aligned to the broad university priority research theme of “Healthy life Span”. This position is designed for a medically qualified trainee with an NTN in any speciality, who wishes to pursue an academic career and research aligned to Long Term Conditions, multimorbidity or Cancer.

The training will require the trainees spending 50% of their time undergoing academic training combined with clinical training in the remaining 50%. Clinical training, leading to CCT could be in range of GMC specialties in long term conditions (e.g. heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, among many others). Depending on the specialty, on-call duties may be required. Part-time is possible

A successful applicant will demonstrate clear medium and long-term career goals and will demonstrate an ability to deliver publications and clinical health impact and to win funding for clinical research in a relevant area.

A successful applicant will be based in an appropriate university department in Liverpool, with appropriate NHS clinical placements.

The post is available on a fixed term basis for four years or until CCT if before that date. (post CCT extension may be possible).

You must hold a National Training Number at the time of application and have been awarded a research doctorate (PhD) or equivalent in a relevant subject area by the time you take up the post (not later than 1st September 2025).

The post is available from 1st September 2025 until 31st August 2029.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Paul May, email:

Commitment to Diversity

The University of Liverpool is committed to enhancing workforce diversity. We actively seek to attract, develop, and retain colleagues with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We welcome applications from all genders/gender identities, Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic backgrounds, individuals living with a disability, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

For full details and to apply online, please visit:

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