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David Levene Foundation Professor of Brain Research and Director, Centre for Brain Research

University of Auckland, New Zealand – Centre for Brain Research

  • Seeking a truly collaborative leader in brain research who will engage research, clinical and related communities in a vision for developing a better understanding of the human brain and for improving outcomes for those affected by brain disorders.
  • Live and work in New Zealand’s largest, most cosmopolitan and culturally diverse city 

The University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau, has ambitious and transformative goals to deliver top quality research and impact both locally in the Pacific region and globally.

Join us in the substantive academic position of David Levene Foundation Chair in Brain Research, and apply your leadership to ensure the next horizon of success of the Centre for Brain Research Te Huinga Hinengaro (CBR). The director (appointed on an initial 5-year term) will build on CBR’s success in developing a strong and diverse community of neuroscience scholars who seeking to understand the human brain and to develop and translate therapies and other treatments for those affected by brain disorders.

CBR is one of seven transdisciplinary University Research Centres spanning multiple faculties, disciplines and academic activities and engaged in research with the community.

Established 15 years ago, effective relationships are at the heart of its reputation as a leader in translational brain research, as demonstrated by the philanthropic and community support it values dearly.

Members of the CBR are engaged in internationally recognised research ranging from basic and laboratory science to clinical research and the promotion of population health and research that works with and through engagement with communities, particularly Māori and Pacific communities. Creating stronger ties among scientists, engineers, clinicians, potential industry partners and the community, whilst training the next generation of leaders in the field will be central to the Director’s aspriations for the CBR.

Learn more about CBR’s cutting edge research and world-class facilities, and review the position description here.

The University of Auckland occupies a unique position in Aotearoa New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific. It is New Zealand’s largest university, with over 40,000 students and an international centre of learning and academic excellence. Auckland is a vibrant, cosmopolitan and rapidly growing city with a population of 1.6m, and is the commercial heart of Aotearoa New Zealand. We have an abundance of natural features, including a stunning harbour and accessible coastline, native bush, and moderate temperatures, which helps us retain our reputation as one of the best cities in the world in which to live.

We aspire to contribute to a fair, ethical and sustainable society, reflecting our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and our foundational relationship with tangata whenua. The University is committed to a culture that encourages and supports staff to reach their full potential in an inclusive and collaborative community of scholars. We welcome applications that will enhance the diversity of our staff and strengthen our links with diverse communities. 

For further information and a confidential conversation, please contact Clare Litten, Manager, Academic Executive Search Service,

Applications must be submitted online, by the closing date of 9 March 2025

The University is committed to meeting its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi and achieving equity outcomes for staff and students in a safe, inclusive and equitable environment. For further information on services for Māori, Pacific, women, LGBTQITakatāpui+, people with disabilities, parenting support, flexible work and other equity issues go to

Location: Auckland - New Zealand
Salary: Not Specified
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 20th February 2025
Closes: 9th March 2025
Job Ref: 60000048
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* Salary has been converted at the prevailing rate on the date placed
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