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PhD Studentship: EPSRC Supported EngD Towards Net-zero Manufacture of Chilled Refrigerated Prepared Foods

University of Birmingham - School of Chemical Engineering

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Birmingham
Funding for: UK Students
Funding amount: EPSRC funding
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 20th February 2025
Closes: 19th May 2025

The Food Industry is the largest manufacture sector in the UK’s and the fourth highest industrial energy user. To contribute to the achievement of UK’s zero-carbon emissions targets by 2050, it is critical to act on those hotspots for energy demand and/or GHG emissions. One of these potential areas of action is the food cold chain – the manufacture and distribution of frozen, refrigerated and chilled foods is energy intensive and often involves the use of high-GWP (Global Warming Potential) refrigerants.

In this context, this project aims to identify those food manufacturing scenarios that would lead to successful strategies for the transition to net-zero food supply chains focusing on chilled foods (e.g., ready meal foods), and working in partnership with Samworth Brothers. The project will combine techno-economic, environmental and/or policy aspects in an integrated approach for the design and evaluation of decarbonisation solutions, focusing on the comparison of different manufacturing paradigms of prepared chilled/refrigerated foods. This approach is based on the development and implementation of suitable simulation/optimisation and decision-making tools, for which a high level of engineering and computational competence, coupled with adequate knowledge of (bio)process systems is desirable.

Supervisor(s): Dr Estefania Lopez Quiroga and Dr Xinfang Wang

Funding notes:

To be eligible for EPSRC funding candidates must have at least a 2(1) in an Engineering or Scientific discipline or a 2(2) plus MSc.

Apply online via the above ‘Apply’ button.

Open to UK nationals only due to funding restrictions.

For details on the Engineering Doctorate scheme visit the homepage:

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