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PDRA in Organometallic Materials Chemistry

Durham University - Physical and Environmental Sciences

Location: Durham
Salary: £40,247
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 20th February 2025
Closes: 12th March 2025
Job Ref: 25000252

The Role and Department

The Chemistry Department at Durham University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and employability of our students and postdoctoral workers. The Chemistry Department is a vibrant research environment with state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and equipment appropriate for all aspects of this work. The project is funded by RCUK as part of an ongoing interdisciplinary collaboration between Durham University, Lancaster University, the University of Cambridge and an industrial partner (Quantum Base).

The Role

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in organometallic materials chemistry with a particular emphasis on multi-step synthesis and characterisation of transition metal complexes with tailor-made ligands. The overall aim of the project is to use new molecules to develop nanoscale switches and devices for applications in information and communication technology and energy management. The research project will be supervised by Professor Martin R. Bryce. The collaborating groups at Cambridge (Professor Chris Ford) and Lancaster (Professors Ben Robinson and Colin Lambert) specialise in experimental nanoscale transport measurements, nanoscale device engineering and computation. For relevant references to our background work see Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 882; . Nanoscale Horizons 2022, 7, 1201; Nanoscale Advances 2023, 5, 2299; ACS Omega 2024, 9, 38303;

This post is fixed term for 30 months. The funding is available from 01 May 2025 for this fixed period only. The project is time-limited and will end on 30 April 2028. The successful candidate will ideally be in post as soon as possible after 01 May 2025, and preferably by 31 July 2025. The start date can be negotiated with the successful candidate.

The post-holder is employed to work on research/a research project which will be led by another colleague. Whilst this means that the post-holder will not be carrying out independent research in his/her own right, the expectation is that they will contribute to the advancement of the project, through the development of their own research ideas/adaptation and development of research protocols.

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