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Senior Communication Coordinator

Liverpool Hope University

Location: Liverpool
Salary: £32,296 to £36,924 per annum (Grade 6)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 19th February 2025
Closes: 17th March 2025
Job Ref: 2BCOCO11A

Liverpool Hope University is looking for an enthusiastic and motivated communications professional who has experience in internal communications to join the Corporate Communications and Marketing Team at Liverpool Hope University.

The successful applicant will be responsible for coordinating the production and delivery of print and online communications for university-wide initiatives, adopting a multi-media approach. This will include materials ranging from the student campaigns, events promotion, the university prospectus and student recruitment material through to staff and student weekly bulletins.

You will also be responsible for developing the internal communications strategy and bringing new ideas to enhance employee engagement and knowledge sharing. You will plan internal communications campaigns and work with the wider team to roll these out across the university.

With excellent verbal and written communication skills and multimedia officer you will be confident in writing, editing and proofreading copy for a wide range of internal and external media channels.

You will line manage the website content coordinator and multimedia officer and will be confident in producing material for a website. You will work alongside the Senior Communication Manager to uphold brand guidelines and support colleagues on best practice regarding communications.

This post is permanent subject to the normal probationary period of 12 months.

For an application form and further details, please visit our website or contact us using the details below.

Liverpool Hope University
Hope Park,
Liverpool L16 9JD



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