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Research Officer Fisheries Data Analyst

Swansea University - Faculty of Science and Engineering

Location: Swansea
Salary: £39,105 to £45,163 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 18th February 2025
Closes: 13th March 2025
Job Ref: SU00769

Location: Singleton Campus, Swansea

About The Role

Contract: 01/04/25 until 28/02/26

We are ideally looking for a postdoctoral researcher, with strong quantitative analysis skills to join the Fish Tracking Team in Swansea University to work on a fish acoustic telemetry tracking project.

The Fish Tracking Team aims to extend the scientific knowledge of migratory fish species which are commercially exploited and of conservation concern, to provide improved evidence to support regulatory decisions for energy industry developments, fisheries and conservation.

The project currently maintains an array of 100+ acoustic receivers in the Bristol Channel, tracking nine migratory fish species (Atlantic Salmon, sea trout, twaite shad, 4 ray species, European bass and eels), as well as cetaceans. The project is run in close collaboration with funding partners, including EDF, CEFAS, Heritage Fund, NE, NRW, EA and Welsh Government. The array will shortly be extended by deployment of a fine scale tracking array of 80+ receivers around a new marine cooling water abstraction for Hinkley Point C Nuclear power station.

The postholder will lead the analysis of data from the fine scale array. This work will focus on tracking of Atlantic salmon and twaite shad in the immediate vicinity of the intakes and will include an assessment of the effectiveness of novel high frequency acoustic deterrent devices for twaite shad. The post holder will also have the opportunity to participate in field work, including tagging operations and trials of deterrent devices. The initial duration of this post is 12 months, with the possibility of extension if additional funding is secured.

The successful candidate will join the Biosciences Department, a vibrant research community with a strong sense of involvement and collaboration. The department has achieved 100% world leading and internationally excellence ratings in both the environment and impact in the REF 2021 assessment, with 65% of our research outputs classed as world leading.

Welsh Language Skills

The Welsh language level required for this role is Level 2 - Fairly well. The role holder will be able to understand a fair range of job-related correspondence, keep up a simple conversation and write reasonably accurate correspondence in Welsh. They may need to revert to English to discuss complex or technical information.

The University is a proud bilingual institution, our Welsh Language Strategy outlines our aspiration to promote the language and enable our staff to engage with the language as an additional workplace skill and as a gateway to new cultural and social opportunities. Applications are welcome in Welsh and will not be treated less favourably than those submitted in English. Welsh speakers have the right to an interview in Welsh. Applicants for a role where Welsh skills are essential are expected to present their application in Welsh and will be interviewed in Welsh, if shortlisted.

Additional Information

Applications for this role will take the format of a CV submission and cover letter.

Closing Date: 13 March 2025

Interview Date: 20 March 2025

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