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Research Fellowship - Environmental Ethics - University of Cambridge

The Schweitzer Institute - The Schweitzer Institute for Environmental Ethics

Location: Cambridge
Salary: Expenses (the ideal candidate may be an academic on sabbatical so he or she would continue to receive their salary)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 18th February 2025
Closes: 25th March 2025

The Schweitzer Institute’s Research Fellowship provides a unique platform for scholars to advance their work in environmental ethics while engaging with the rich academic community at Cambridge. The position includes residency at Peterhouse, the University’s oldest college, during the Michaelmas term (October-December).

The Fellowship offers:

- A research associateship at Peterhouse
- Full dining rights in college
- Membership of the Senior Common Room
- Access to all University of Cambridge amenities

The successful candidate will be expected to:

  1. Pursue independent research
  2. Deliver a public lecture at Peterhouse
  3. Attend an environmental ethics conference held at the college in late November
  4. Present a brief paper at the conference, highlighting their ongoing research at Peterhouse.

Watch an interview with the 2024 Fellow, Professor John Nolt, here: interview

Applicants should write to (via the 'Apply' button above) with an up-to-date CV and a clear statement of the research they wish to undertake during their tenure.

The deadline for submissions is 23:55 on 25th March, with online interviews taking place in late March/April.

About the Institute

Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) was a remarkable polymath who embodied the roles of philosopher, theologian, musician, physician, and humanitarian. As both an idealist and an activist, Schweitzer presciently addressed many of society's pressing issues, including post-industrial alienation and environmental degradation.

Central to Schweitzer's philosophy was the concept of "reverence for life", which he proposed as a pathway to restore civilisation. His commitment to actualising these ideals through his medical mission in Lambaréné, Gabon, made him an inspiring figure in the post-World War II era.

The Schweitzer Institute for Environmental Ethics, inspired by this visionary thinker, examines the interplay between ecological values, such as sustainability, and humanity's impact on nature. Our mission is to align Schweitzer's philosophy of reverence for life with modern environmental ethics, and disseminate it to a wide audience.

To achieve these goals, we:

- Organise academic conferences
- Publish a peer-reviewed journal
- Fund a Research Fellowship
- Collaborate with like-minded organisations to advance a philosophy of reverence for life.


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