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Assistant Professor in Anthropology of Data Science

Durham University - The Department of Anthropology

Location: Durham
Salary: £46,485 to £55,295 per annum (Grade 8)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 18th February 2025
Closes: 21st March 2025
Job Ref: 25000142

The Department of Anthropology at Durham University seeks to appoint a full-time Assistant Professor on a permanent contract from the 1st September 2025. We welcome applications from those with research and teaching interests in the field of social anthropology or medical anthropology, with a focus on the anthropology of data and data science.

This post offers an exciting opportunity to make a major contribution to the development of internationally excellent research and teaching at one of the leading universities in the U.K., situated in a beautiful, historic city that is home to a UNESCO World Heritage Site and surrounded by stunning countryside. Our Anthropology Department is one of the largest and most diverse in the country, with nearly 40 permanent academic staff working within and across social, evolutionary and health anthropology. We provide an intellectually exciting, inclusive environment, fostering the academic freedom and confidence to work at both the core and boundaries of anthropology in exciting and innovative ways. Our department is especially renowned for its commitment to interdisciplinarity, both in terms of integrating the different subfields of anthropology and working collaboratively with other disciplines.

The successful candidate will lead a large module (~200-250 students) offering anthropologically-informed, critical perspectives on Data Science to students on Durham University’s interdisciplinary Masters in Data Science programme, as well as contributing more broadly to our undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum in social anthropology and/or the anthropology of health. They will carry out research that is high quality in terms of originality, significance and rigour, and actively pursue national and international grants to support their plans. They will be expected to play a full role in the research environment and collegial culture of the department, including through supervising postgraduate research students, contributing to subject group activities and department initiatives, and taking on administrative roles.

Further details about the post, including the selection criteria and how to apply, are available via this link

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