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Cryo Electron Microscopy Facility Manager

King's College London - CUI

Location: London
Salary: £52,874 to £61,921 per annum, including London Weighting Allowance
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 17th February 2025
Closes: 4th March 2025
Job Ref: 107305

About us

King’s College London (KCL) is seeking a highly motivated cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) expert to manage its newly established Cryo-EM Structural Discovery Facility.

The new high-resolution cryo-EM facility was established following KCL’s acquisition of a 200 keV JEOL cryoARM200 cold-FEG autoloading electron microscope with an energy filter and the latest-generation Gatan K3 camera. The facility sits within the Research Platforms team, part of the Research Management and Innovation Directorate (RMID) and operates in close collaboration with the Centre for Ultrastructural Imaging (CUI), which provides additional cryo-EM sample preparation/vitrification, storage equipment and side-entry holder electron microscopes for sample screening. Whilst suitable of collecting data capable of producing

About the role

This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge structural biology research through single-particle cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, while playing a pivotal role in the operation and development of the facility.

The Facility Manager will be responsible for electron microscope operation and the management, support and future development of the facility, in a financially sustainable manner. The post holder will support multiple projects simultaneously and deliver high-quality training and technical assistance to a range of internal and external academic and industrial researchers, offering expert advice to meet their research objectives while optimising the facility’s utilisation.

This is a senior role in cryo-EM, requiring a high level of technical expertise and strategic leadership within the field. The successful candidate will have in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in single-particle cryo-EM, including sample preparation, instrument operation for sample screening and automate data acquisition, and image processing. In addition to their technical expertise, they will play a key role in driving the strategic development of the facility, optimising workflows, and implementing best practices to enhance efficiency and research output. Strong organisational and leadership skills are essential to ensure the facility operates effectively and continues to evolve in line with advancements in cryo-EM technology and align with the strategic goals of Research Platforms, RMID and King’s.

This is a full-time post (35 Hours per week), and you will be offered an indefinite contract.

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