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Agricultural and Environmental Scientist - Cadbury UK Ltd

Queen's University Belfast

Location: Belfast
Salary: £35,700 to £40,600
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 17th February 2025
Closes: 17th March 2025
Job Ref: 25/112429

Through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Programme, Cadbury UK, in partnership with Queen’s University Belfast have an exceptional and pioneering employment opportunity for a driven and motivated person with a PhD in agriculture, environmental science, agricultural or applied economics, social science or statistics, with substantial research or industry experience.

This person would work on a project to identify and validate dairy sustainability practices and technologies and enable the building of feasible and economic pathways in different farm settings that can deliver GHG reductions. The knowledge gained via the KTP will serve to identify the sustainability breakthroughs needed and enable Cadbury, and the wider Mondelez Group, to partner with relevant third parties in development and substantiation of these technologies.

This role is company-based and will be delivered in collaboration with the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s.

The successful candidate will become part of a team within Cadbury UK. Founded in Birmingham in 1824, 200 years later Cadbury’s employs more than 4,000 staff. Cadbury is the #1 chocolate brand in the UK. Its objective is to defend this position against competitors Mars and Nestle, and they anticipate doing this through growth, efficiency, and innovation. It is essential that sustainability (Net Zero) is at the core of all these actions.

Information about the Company partner and the KTP programme can be found on our website.

About the person

The successful candidate must have, and your application should clearly demonstrate that you meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a PhD in an agriculture, environmental science, applied economics or statistic-related discipline, or a Postdoctoral degree in similar disciplines. Candidates with a Postgraduate (Masters level) degree in a relevant discipline who have substantial industry or research experience will also be considered.
  • Significant experience of modelling agricultural or environmental systems.
  • Significant experience of working with stakeholders and the agri-food industry.

Please note the above are not an exhaustive list. To be successful at shortlisting stage, please ensure you clearly evidence in your application how you meet the essential and, where applicable, desirable criteria listed in the Candidate Information document on our website.

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