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Careers Development Consultant

University of Wolverhampton - Faculty of Science and Engineering

Location: Wolverhampton
Salary: £40,247 to £47,874 per annum.
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 17th February 2025
Closes: 2nd March 2025
Job Ref: 14361

The Faculty of Science and Engineering are recruiting to the post of Careers Development Consultant.

The Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE) is seeking an experienced careers professional to join the Faculty professional services team in the role of Careers Development Consultant. The post will have a base at City Campus but will be expected to travel to Telford and Springfield regularly.

In this role, you will be the careers lead within the Faculty, providing critical support to our students in their goals of graduate employability. The role will support students through workshops, lectures, one to one careers support and careers related events and activities. You will provide advice on industry trends and keep up to date with labour market trends in industry areas connected with the subjects within the Faculty of Science and Engineering. You will support the faculty and university strategies and initiatives in relation to careers and use data led decision making to support this work. Analysing data and producing reports with respect graduate outcomes is also a significant part of this role.

As part of the Faculty Professional Services Management Team, you will work closely with Faculty management, academic departments, and central University services to ensure the students receive a high-quality careers service. The role will involve liaising with a variety of internal stakeholders including staff and students as well as a number of external stakeholders such as employers, industry experts.

For more information about this post informal enquires can be made to Lydia Dams, Faculty Registrar Faculty of Science and Engineering

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