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PhD Studentship - A Collaborative Approach to Navigating the Mental Capacity Act to Support Sexual Decision-Making for People with Learning Disabilities

Manchester Metropolitan University

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Manchester
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students
Funding amount: £20,780 - please see advert
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 14th February 2025
Closes: 14th March 2025
Reference: H&E-SCSS-MH-WRDTP CDA 2025

Project advert

This fully-funded PhD studentship will explore the challenges health and social care practitioners face when applying the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) to assess the capacity of people with learning disabilities to consent to sexual relationships, addressing the implications for their daily lives and sexual and reproductive rights.

Co-supervised by the Department of Social Care and Social Work and Manchester Law School, this interdisciplinary PhD will examine, from the perspectives people with learning disabilities and/or practitioners, how practitioners can navigate legal frameworks related to sexual consent. Broadly, the project aims to contribute to better informed, less risk-averse approaches to supporting intimate lives.

This PhD includes an exciting 3-month placement with Choice Support’s Supported Loving Network to work closely with Dr Claire Bates to co-create resources with people with learning disabilities and deliver training and resources for professionals around the MCA.

The proposed supervisor will conduct a ‘Development Needs Analysis’ to support the successful candidate to indicate a programme (1-year master+3.5-year PhD, 3.75-year PhD or 3.5-year PhD) based on their prior academic experience. Please refer to the WRDTP website for further details. 

Project aims and objectives

The project explores how the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) impacts the intimate lives of people with learning disabilities to understand how health and social care practitioners can be better supported to apply the MCA in assessing capacity to consent to sexual relationships

Objectives may include:

  • Conducting critical policy analysis/document analysis to investigate how legal frameworks and social policy interact to shape everyday practice.
  • Using creative/participatory/critical research methods of the PhD researcher’s choice to explore people with learning disabilities’ experiences and/or identify the challenges and anxieties practitioners face and gaps in their understanding of MCA criteria.
  • Develop practitioner training and easy-read materials to address these challenges and promote equitable practice.

Funding information

The studentship entails a standard UKRI stipend for each year of the award, pro-rata for part-time study ((£20,780 per year for 2025/26 for full-time study), and full tuition fees for the duration of the award, payable at the home or international rate as appropriate

Studentship offers are subject to the approval of the WRDTP Academic Quality Committee (AQC).

Further information

To apply you will need to complete the online application form for a part-time/full-time PhD in Social Care and Social and Social Work (or download the PGR application form).

You should also complete the PGR thesis proposal.  We would like to see how you might make the project your own by designing a unique study that broadly aligns with the project’s aims and objectives (outlined above). Your proposal should address the project’s broad aims and objectives, while demonstrating how the skills, experience, and interests you have map to the area of research and why you see this area as being of importance and interest.

If applying online, you will need to upload your statement in the supporting documents section, or email the application form and statement to

Applicants are welcome to contact the Principal Supervisor, Monique Huysamen if you have any questions or queries.

Expected start date: October 2025

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