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PhD Studentship - Proton-based Neuromorphic Computing in 2D Crystals

The University of Manchester - Physics and Astronomy

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Manchester
Funding for: UK Students, EU Students, International Students
Funding amount: £19,237 - please see advert
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 14th February 2025
Closes: 3rd March 2025

Research theme: Neuromorphic computing

How to apply:

No. of positions: 1

This 3.5 year PhD is fully funded for a home or overseas student; tuition fees will be paid and you will receive a tax free stipend based on the UKRI rate (£19,237 for 2024/25). We expect this amount to increase each year.

The electrochemical hydrogenation of graphene has been recently shown to induce a robust and reversible conductor-insulator transition, which is of strong interest in logic and memory applications. We showed that this process can be driven with independent control of the electric field, E, and charge carrier density, n, in the crystal using a technique known as double gating. We also found that with this technique proton transport through the crystal itself can be accelerated such that graphene becomes effectively transparent to protons. These two degrees of freedom: proton transport through the crystal and the conductor-insulator transition in the electronic system triggered by proton adsorption can be used to perform simultaneous logic and memory operations in graphene (Tong, J. et al. Nature 2024).

This finding opens a new avenue to control proton and ion transport in 2D systems that we will use to study neuromorphic computing using protons in 2D materials. You will learn how to fabricate 2D devices and control their electronic properties with electrolyte gates using precision electrical measurements. You will learn state-of-the-art microfabrication techniques, mass spectrometry, electrical measurements and a range of characterisation techniques (e.g. SEM, AFM, Raman, XRD). You will work with a highly motivated group with a diverse technical expertise including Physics, Chemistry and Material Science. You will also collaborate with several groups within the University of Manchester as well as with research institutes in the UK, Belgium and abroad.

Applicants should have, or expect to achieve, at least a 2.1 honours degree or a master’s (or international equivalent) in a relevant science or engineering related discipline.

To apply, please contact the supervisor for this project; Dr Marcelo Lozada Hidalgo  - Please include details of your current level of study, academic background and any relevant experience and include a paragraph about your motivation to study this PhD project.

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