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PDRA Developing Biobased Monomers for a Defossilised Speciality Polymer Industry

University of York - Department of Chemistry

Location: York
Salary: £36,924 to £45,163 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 14th February 2025
Closes: 14th March 2025
Job Ref: 13849

Role Description

Project and Department

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate developing biobased monomers for a defossilised speciality polymer industry working within Prof Antoine Buchard and Prof Helen Sneddon’s research groups.

Modern life is impossible to imagine without polymers providing solutions to many critical functions and as part of everyday products, (e.g. plastics and rubbers, but also in paints, lubricants, coatings and drugs). However, intensive use of polymers brings sustainability challenges along the value chain. 

Synthomer is a British manufacturer of high-performance speciality polymers and ingredients. They operate globally and serve over 6000 customers supporting the delivery of products used in, for example, adhesives, coatings, construction and specialty healthcare applications. Synthomer has made a public commitment to reach net zero by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement. 

As part of the Synthomer/University of York EPSRC Biobased Monomers for a Defossilised Speciality Polymer Industry Prosperity Partnership, this project will deliver a platform of bioderived, lower carbon footprint monomers. These value-added monomers would be intended as essential building blocks for speciality polymer products, a sector at present representing ca. 750kT of sales a year for Synthomer with a corresponding carbon footprint of over 1,000kT CO2e.

The Department of Chemistry is one of the UK's leading Chemistry departments and we are renowned internationally for our research. We have been recognised consistently for our family-friendly policies and are proud of our Athena SWAN Gold Award.

We strive to provide a working environment which allows all staff and students to contribute fully, flourish, and excel. We aim to ensure that there is a supportive and egalitarian culture across all staff groups and levels. We promote good practice and a strong culture of equality in higher education. Further information can be found within this brief and on our website

Skills, Experience & Qualification needed

  • Undergraduate degree in chemistry, natural sciences, etc.
  • PhD in Synthetic Organic Chemistry or Synthetic Polymer Chemistry, or closely related chemistry (or have submitted a PhD thesis prior to taking up the appointment)
  • Knowledge and experience of synthetic organic chemistry to engage in high quality research
  • Ability to plan and prioritise own work in order to meet deadlines, including using initiative to plan research programmes
  • Research experience in synthetic organic (macro)molecular chemistry, the analysis of (macro)molecules using NMR spectroscopy and other techniques
  • Commitment to and understanding of Equality and Diversity Issues

Interview date: TBC

For informal enquiries: please contact Professor Helen Sneddon at

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