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Education Governance and Projects Officer

University of Oxford - Medical Sciences Teaching Centre

Location: Oxford
Salary: £48,235 to £57,255 per annum, with a discretionary range to £62,407 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 14th February 2025
Closes: 17th March 2025
Job Ref: 178181

This post may also be offered as a secondment opportunity.

The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is seeking an experienced academic administrator for the post of Education Governance and Projects Officer. This post is offered as a fixed-term contract until the end of August 2026 because of some short-term changes to roles and responsibilities within the team. There is the possibility of extension or a permanent contract at the end of the fixed-term period. The postholder will be expected to work at least 75% of their working hours on site.

The Education Governance and Projects Officer will be a member of the Pre-clinical Sciences administration team which is based in the Medical Sciences Teaching Centre (MSTC), in the University’s science area.

The postholder will have operational responsibility for a range of tasks in support of three interdepartmental undergraduate programmes: Pre-clinical Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Graduate-entry Medicine. They will service the three Steering Committees which are the main decision-making bodies for each programme. They will act as the interface between the Pre-clinical administration team and the Divisional Educational Strategy and Quality Assurance team, and will report to the Division on academic matters, in line with the Division’s Quality Assurance calendar. They will be expected to develop an excellent knowledge of the structure and content of each of the programmes, and will apply to the Division for approval for changes to the Examination Regulations. They will have operational responsibility for the complex annual Programme Data Exercise, which involves calculating the relative academic contribution of each University department to each year of each programme, and which determines the annual teaching funding allocation to each department.

The postholder will also undertake work on a number of academic strategic projects, e.g. servicing working groups on major changes to course/examination structure, progressing work between meetings, writing reports and recommendations, and implementing project outcomes. They will have significant input into decision-making affecting the undergraduate programmes.

To make informal enquiries about the post, please contact Kirstie Vreede (Head of Administration and Finance) at

Applications for this vacancy are to be made online. You will be required to upload a CV and Supporting Statement as part of your online application. The Supporting Statement should clearly describe how you meet each of the selection criteria listed in the job description.

The closing date for applications is midday on 17 March 2025.

Interviews are expected to be held in the week commencing 31 March 2025.

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