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PhD Studentship : EPSRC ICASE Studentship - Inside Infrastructure: Unlocking Hidden Structural Insights with Muon-Enhanced Digital Twins

University of Cambridge - Department of Engineering

Qualification Type: PhD
Location: Cambridge
Funding for: UK Students, International Students
Funding amount: Not Specified
Hours: Full Time
Placed On: 13th February 2025
Closes: 14th March 2025
Reference: NM45089

In the field of infrastructure monitoring, current practices heavily rely on visual inspections that detect surface-level defects, which can miss underlying issues critical to structural integrity. In contrast, muon flux tomography (MFT) a game changing technology likened to an MRI for infrastructure can provide detailed internal imaging that enables a much deeper understanding of structural health. This ICASE studentship focuses on pioneering data fusion and processing techniques to integrate MFT data into a digital representation of the infrastructure asset suitable for Building Information Modelling (BIM). In collaboration with GScan, a leader in MFT technology, this EPSRC-funded PhD project will develop an advanced processing framework that enables accurate, high-resolution BIMs of reinforced concrete tunnel and bridge structures. By refining MFT data processing, improving spatial resolution, and optimising integration with BIM, this research will create a new tool for structural monitoring and predictive lifecycle management, enhancing infrastructure resilience and longevity.

We are seeking candidates with a strong background and academic track record in information engineering / computer science / ML. The successful applicant will have strong coding skills, a demonstrated ability to liaise with industry and an interest in future construction.

Applicants should have (or expect to obtain by the start date) at least a good 2.1 degree in Engineering or Computer Science.

Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be addressed to Dr. Erika Parn ( ) and Dr Brian Sheil (

EPSRC ICASE studentships are fully-funded (fees and maintenance) for students eligible for Home fees.

Applications should be submitted via the University of Cambridge Applicant Portal, with Dr Brian Sheil  identified as the potential supervisor.

The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.


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