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Research Assistant in Novel Food Production

University of Bath - Chemical Engineering

Location: Bath
Salary: £30,505 to £36,924 Grade 6
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 13th February 2025
Closes: 5th March 2025
Job Ref: FM12461

About the role

We’re looking for a hard-working researcher to help support the production of novel foods from grass funded directly from Green Britain Group (Ecotricity) as part of the BBSRC funded consortia: Pasture to Plate. 

Our vision is to maximise the food potential of UK pasture by using targeted chemical processing and novel biotechnology to convert grass into nutritious edible fractions for healthier and more affordable alternative foods, making UK agriculture more resilient and sustainable. 

In this project you will work with phenomenal team of researchers offering analytical support to extract and assess the nutritious components of the grass, and to support in the assessment of fermentation broths produced from a yeast grown on the grass derived sugars. 

You will join a dynamic team of scientists, engineers, food technologists and industrialists in developing a real workable solution to producing human food from grass and other waste materials.

You will be supported by researchers working on the conversion of the grass feedstock, on the fermentation of the material, the lifecycle and economic assessment, nutritional profiling and developing novel foods from the fractions that are produced to ensure the maximum impact of your work. 

While this role is for an initial 6 months with an expected end date of 30th September 2025, we would envision a successful candidate being a part of the journey for the longer term, subject to further funding. 

About you

Applicants must hold an undergraduate degree in food science, food engineering, analytical chemistry, chemistry, chemical engineering, or relevant subject area. 

Successful applicants will also possess:

  • A strong background and experience in one of these subject areas including strong analytical skills
  • A track record in conducting high quality lab work
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary teams are essential

Further information

You’ll benefit from working in a dynamic multidisciplinary team based in the Department of Chemical Engineering. We are a top 10 department nationally, specialising in cutting edge sustainable technology development, including the development and optimisation of novel foods through cellular agriculture.

You will also work closely with Green Britain Group (Ecotricity), which was founded by Dale Vince OBE and is at the leading edge of projects designed to improve the sustainability of Energy, Transport and Food across the UK.

As a member of Research Staff you will be encouraged to take up a minimum of 10 days professional development pro rata per year.

For an informal discussion please contact either Professor Chris Chuck at or Dr Hannah Leese, Reader, at

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