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Endowed Chair in Textile /Fashion Design

University of California, Davis - Department of Design

Location: California - United States
Salary: $124,000 to $190,000 or £102,080.02 to £156,412.94 (converted salary*)
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 13th February 2025
Closes: 30th April 2025

Associate/Full Professor

The Department of Design at UC Davis is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for an accomplished scholar and leader to join our faculty as the Endowed Chair in Textile/Fashion Design, with the rank of Associate/Full Professor. This prestigious position is dedicated to advancing innovative sustainable practices within textile/fashion design and research. The ideal candidate will possess a robust record of interdisciplinary research and creative scholarship, demonstrated success in securing extramural funding, and recognized leadership within the field of textile/fashion design. As an Endowed Chair, the candidate will play a pivotal role in fostering interdisciplinary research collaborations, establishing meaningful partnerships with industry, technology transfer and developing impactful educational programs that resonate with UC Davis's mission and community. 

The successful candidate will contribute significantly to our mission by leading innovative research and engaging students in sustainable design and research practices in textiles and/or fashion. The ideal candidate will have a background that bridges sustainable textile/fashion design WITH multiple strengths merging two or more of the focus areas such as but not limited to: 

  • Biodesign in textiles/fashion
  • Sustainable dyeing, printing, finishing techniques
  • Advanced knitting or weaving technologies
  • Inclusive textiles/fashion design
  • Environmental and social justice in textiles/fashion
  • AI in textiles/fashion
  • Electronic and smart textiles/fashion 

The successful candidate will possess a Ph.D. or terminal degree in textile/fashion design or a closely related field. We seek a candidate who has demonstrated thought leadership in sustainability of textiles/fashion with a strong record of research and creative scholarship excellence, evidenced by impactful publications and exhibitions and a record of securing extramural funding. The ability to teach a combination of practice-based studio classes and large lecture courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels will be essential to the role, as will be the candidate's ability to cultivate partnerships with industry, engage with the community, and foster interdisciplinary collaborations with other academic departments across the UC Davis campus, such as those in the sciences, engineering, and health fields. Candidates should also demonstrate a strong commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, and community engagement. 

Preferred qualities for this position include knowledge in theory, history, culture, sociology, psychology of textiles and fashion and evidence of a global perspective.

The candidate should also possess strong interpersonal skills, the ability to work collegially and collaboratively with faculty and staff within the Department of Design, and a willingness to assume a leadership role at UC Davis in sustainable textiles and design. 

Candidates begin the application process by registering online by clicking the 'Apply' button 

Submit a letter of interest, a CV, a brief statement of research plans and vision for the future of fashion and textile design, a brief statement of teaching philosophy along with descriptions of courses taught and/or proposed, a brief statement of diversity, images of creative works including examples of student work, and the names and contact details for four references. 

Review of applications begins March 17, 2025 and continues until the position is filled. Appointment commences July 1, 2025.

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* Salary has been converted at the prevailing rate on the date placed
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