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Senior Research Associate in Stem Cell Biology

University of East Anglia - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Norwich Medical School

Location: Norwich
Salary: £38,249 per annum, with an annual increment up to £45,413 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 12th February 2025
Closes: 11th March 2025
Job Ref: RA2283

Salary on appointment will be £38,249 per annum, with an annual increment up to £45,413 per annum

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Senior Research Associate join the Norwich Medical School to conduct studies on characterising metabolic changes in normal and diseased haematopoiesis including cancer. As our ageing population grows it is becoming increasingly important to better understand the changes that occur during physiological ageing. Ageing drives intrinsic metabolic changes that alter normal physiology and result in tissue dysfunction and the development of numerous age-related diseases. This project will aim to better understand the age-related metabolic changes that occur in blood stem cells and the impact this has on blood production in response to stress (infection). Whilst our previous work has demonstrated that the local microenvironment in which blood stem cells reside contributes to the impaired response to infection other preliminary has shown that blood stem cells changes may be altered by systemic influences that may alter their metabolic function. Therefore, this project aims to study extrinsic metabolic changes of aged blood stem cells and how this impacts metabolic output in response to infection. 

As a post-doctoral scientist you will be expected to have some knowledge/experience of the following techniques including in vivo models, isolation of primary cells and techniques to assess metabolic and functional characteristics of cells including FACS analysis, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to track metabolites, qPCR to analyse nucleic acids and western blot, ELISA and metabolic assays. The project will be carried out at the Rushworth Lab based at Norwich Medical School in collaboration with the Beraza Lab at Quadram Institute of Biosciences. 
As a Senior Research Associate you will be associated with a particular project and will contribute ideas and/or enhancement of techniques or methodologies. You will analyse and interpret data, write up results and present information on research progress and outcomes. You will also have the opportunity to contribute to grant applications and may be involved in the supervision of researchers and teaching of students within the School. 

You will have a PhD in cell or molecular biology or immunology or similar. You will also have experience of independent research, have publications in respected journals or equivalent within the field and be able to work in a proactive and results driven manner in a high paced environment. You will also have strong interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to analyse and interpret data and work effectively as part of a team. Advanced skills directly relating to this research area and experience teaching small classes and/or overseeing practices would be advantageous.  
This full-time post is available immediately on a fixed term basis to 31 March 2028.

Further information on our great benefits package, including 44 days annual leave inclusive of Bank Holidays and additional University Customary days, can be found on our benefits page.

Closing date: 11 March 2025

The University holds an Athena Swan Silver Institutional Award in recognition of our advancement towards gender equality.

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