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Research Associate in Self-regulating Flow Reactors for Sustainable Polymer Synthesis (fixed-term)

University of Bath - Chemistry

Location: Bath
Salary: £30,505 to £45,163 per annum. Research Assistant/Research Associate. Grade 6 to Grade 7
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 11th February 2025
Closes: 4th March 2025
Job Ref: ED12440

About the role

This role is part of the Sustainable Chemicals and Materials Manufacturing Hub (SCHEMA) using Bath’s Dynamic Reaction Monitoring (DReaM) Facility.

This is an exciting opportunity for a skilled and motivated postdoctoral researcher with an interest in working at the interface of molecular catalysis, polymer science and flow chemistry with data science to develop new sustainable materials via advanced process control.

As a postdoctoral research associate in SCHEMA you will benefit from interactions with a large number of colleagues in chemistry, engineering, material science, computation, and systems analysis at the Universities of Bath, Cambridge, Cardiff, Liverpool, Oxford and York as well as exposure to a network of >20 industrial partners. 

We are looking for an enthusiastic, creative and highly motivated individual who integrates well into our team, possesses excellent communication skills, and is fully committed to research excellence. 

The successful applicant will have demonstrated their ability to self-study and undertake ambitious, original research with close attention to detail through a PhD in relevant areas (or be nearing completion) backed up by a publication track record. 

The appointee will benefit from working in a diverse and dynamic research group in a well-equipped laboratory with access to excellent research facilities.

This is a 24 month, fixed-term position. 

About us

DReaM is the UK’s leading facility for multi-dimensional real-time reaction monitoring of complex solution phase chemistry to enable the rational development of cleaner and more sustainable processes. 

It features unique expertise in high-resolution FlowNMR spectroscopy augmented with real-time UVvis, IR and Raman spectroscopies, sampling HPLC and mass spectrometry in a dedicated laboratory equipped with unified process control and feedback loops.

SCHEMA is a multi-partner, multi-disciplinary research programme convening researchers from across the UK with a large consortium of commercial, technology translation and civic partners to improve the sustainability of chemical and polymer production by transforming their design, manufacture, and recyclability. 

The programme is led by Director Prof. Charlotte Williams (University of Oxford) and Co-Director Prof. Matthew Davidson (University of Bath). 

Both SCHEMA and DReaM are strongly committed to ED&I and RRI, with comprehensive strategies to tackle long-standing issues facing under-represented groups and key ethical issues, focusing on empowering, inspiring, connecting and upskilling more diverse leaders.

Additional information

As a member of Research Staff at the University of Bath, you will be encouraged to take up a minimum of 10 days professional development pro rata per year.

A lower grade offer may be made (Grade 6) with comparable reduction in responsibilities and amendment in job title to Research Assistant, if a suitable applicant cannot be found to fill the Grade 7 position. Applicants will need to be within six months of their course completion date and will be promoted to Research Associate once their PhD has been awarded. 

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