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Associate Professorship or Professorship of Ancient Philosophy

University of Oxford - Faculty of Philosophy

Location: Oxford
Salary: £55,755 to £74,867 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 10th February 2025
Closes: 10th March 2025
Job Ref: 177937

Salary range: £55,755 - £74,867 p.a. plus a college housing allowance of £11,635 p.a. An additional salary payment of £3,155 per annum would be payable upon award of the title of full Professor (without change to the duties of the post).

The Faculty of Philosophy are seeking to appoint an Associate Professor or Professor of Philosophy, in association with a Tutorial Fellowship at St Anne’s College. The successful candidate will have an area of specialisation in Ancient Greek and/or Roman Philosophy. An additional research specialism in either Indian Philosophy or Islamic Philosophy would be desirable, but is not essential. This post is available from 1 September 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. This is a permanent appointment (subject to an initial probation).

The successful candidate will be expected to engage in advanced research and must be able to provide research-led teaching and supervision at all levels, undergraduate and graduate. The successful candidate will also be expected to provide small-group undergraduate teaching at St Anne’s College, in the form of tutorials, on a range of subjects at both introductory and advanced levels (please see the further details for required teaching expertise).

Candidates must demonstrate a research record of international standing in Philosophy, appropriate to the stage of their career; the ability to deliver excellent teaching; the ability to supervise graduate students; and the ability and commitment to take on administrative duties on behalf of St Anne’s College and of the University.

Candidates should hold a completed doctorate, or a completed doctoral dissertation submitted for examination by the advertised closing date for this position, in Philosophy or a closely related field.

Applications are particularly welcome from women and black and minority ethnic candidates, who are under-represented in academic posts in Oxford. All applicants will be judged on merit, according to the selection criteria.

The closing date for applications is 12 noon on 10 March 2025. In person interviews are expected to be held in May 2025.

For further details on this post, including the job description and details on how to apply please see the further particulars for this post.

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