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Research Fellow in Computational Proteomics

Queen's University Belfast - Biological Sciences

Location: Belfast
Salary: £39,922 to £43,603
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 10th February 2025
Closes: 10th March 2025
Job Ref: 25/112412

This post is part of a new research project “Transforming spatial and structural biology: Native ambient mass spectrometry” funded by a Wellcome Trust Discovery Award jointly awarded to Professor Iain Styles at Queen’s University Belfast and Professor Helen Cooper at the University of Birmingham.

The project will develop new computational and experimental technologies to detect, identify, and image intact, folded (i.e. native) proteins and protein complexes directly from biological tissue samples using state of the art mass spectrometry imaging techniques coupled with innovative new computational analysis methods to identify, map, and structurally characterise proteins, protein complexes, and protein assemblies without any prior knowledge of the proteins involved. The outcomes will be new tools that have the potential to revolutionise our understanding of human health, and we will demonstrate the technology’s potential in the key application areas of molecular pathology and drug discovery.

The successful applicant, to be based in Belfast, will develop new computational approaches to identify proteins, complexes, and assemblies in the native state from top-down mass spectrometry analysis. This will involve technical approaches that could include machine learning and other AI techniques, molecular simulation, statistics, graph-based data searches, and a range of other computational approaches. They will work collaboratively with the experimental team in Birmingham, including during short and extended visits.

About the person

The successful candidate must have, and your application should clearly demonstrate that you meet the essential criteria, which includes:

  • Have, or be about to obtain, a PhD in Computer Science or other computationally intensive discipline.
  • Have a proven track record of developing novel computational methods to solve research problems
  • Have experience of conducting high-quality research in computational science, machine learning, artificialintelligence or related areas.
  • Have demonstrated that they can communicate to a range of audiences, both in writing and orally.
  • Have strong all-round skills in computing, programming, and mathematics.

Ideally candidates will also have:

  • Experience of developing and applying their skills to the study of proteins or other forms of molecular science.
  • Experience of working on interdisciplinary projects,

To be successful at shortlisting stage, please ensure you clearly evidence in your application how you meet the essential and, where applicable, desirable criteria listed in the Candidate Information.

Fixed term contract posts are available for the stated period in the first instance but in particular circumstances may be renewed or made permanent subject to availability of funding.

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