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Extraordinary Junior Research Fellowship in Experimental Psychology

University of Oxford - The Queen's College

Location: Oxford
Salary: Non-Stipendiary
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On: 10th February 2025
Closes: 28th April 2025

The Governing Body of The Queen’s College Oxford proposes to elect a Non-Stipendiary Junior Research Fellowship (technically known as an Extraordinary Junior Research Fellowship) in Experimental Psychology or a closely related field. The successful candidate will enter upon the Fellowship on 1st October 2025.

Candidates must hold a suitable stipendiary research appointment in the University or a department of the University, or should have been offered and accepted such an appointment in the academic year in which the Fellowship is to be taken up.  The Fellowship will be tenable for up to three years and may be renewed for a further period not exceeding two years. The Fellowship would therefore suit post-doctoral research scientists and/or research fellows whose tenure of a research appointment extends for at least three years from the date of entering upon the Fellowship. A Fellow shall vacate the Fellowship immediately on ceasing to hold the research appointment which qualified him or her for election, although this condition may be waived if the Fellow secures an alternative qualifying appointment. 

Entitlement and Allowances

The Fellowship does not carry entitlement to rooms, but the Fellow will be a member of the Senior Common Room and entitled to free meals in College and all other privileges enjoyed by ordinary Junior Research Fellows. A personal allowance of £1,959 per annum is provided by the College for research activities such as conference attendance, research assistance, and the purchase of books and software. 

Place of Work

Main College site in central Oxford. 

Closing Date

Noon, Monday 28th April 2024.

Interviews are expected to be held the week commencing 26th May 2025. 

Further Particulars and Application Guidance

Further Particulars are available via the 'Apply' button above.

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