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Lecturer (Learning, Teaching and Scholarship Track)

University of Glasgow - College of Science & Engineering - School of Geographical & Earth Sciences

Location: Glasgow
Salary: Grade 7/8: £40,247 - £45,163 / £49,250 - £56,921 per annum
Hours: Full Time
Contract Type: Permanent
Placed On: 10th February 2025
Closes: 5th March 2025
Job Ref: 164413

Salary: Grade 7/8, £40,247- £45,163 / £49,250 per annum.

This post is full-time (35 hours per week) and is open-ended.

The University of Glasgow, established in 1451, is a member of the UK's Russell Group of leading universities. The University is committed to enhancing its position as one of the world's great broad-based research-intensive universities.

The School of Geographical and Earth Sciences seeks a broadly trained individual to take leadership in learning, teaching and scholarship in Earth and environmental science study programs. This position is one of three positions associated with a cluster hire in Building a Habitable Planet. The preferred candidate will contribute to delivering an excellent student experience by teaching, organising and delivering laboratory exercises, assessments and administration processes associated with undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences. Applicants should have prior experience and skills in topics relevant to first- and second-year BSc study programs in Earth and Environmental Sciences, including rock/mineral identification, maps, field-based teaching, and introductory methods of GIS for the geosciences. The post is learning, teaching, and teaching scholarship focused.

For more information on the University of Glasgow’s, School of Geographical & Earth Sciences please visit

Closing date: 5th March 2025 at 23:45

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401.

We strongly endorse the principles of Athena SWAN, including a supportive and flexible working environment, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in promoting gender equity.

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